Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3622: 1981j

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3622
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     This comet has been recovered by C.-Y. Shao and G. Schwartz on
exposures with the 1.5-m reflector at the Oak Ridge Observatory:

     1981 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.        m2
     July 31.26675    22 43 50.46   - 4 41 57.5   18.5
     Aug.  1.23275    22 43 44.48   - 4 33 17.4
           2.28005    22 43 35.89   - 4 23 51.7

The object is essentially stellar in appearance.  The indicated correction
to the prediction on MPC 5656 (elements on MPC 5638) is Delta-T =
+0.21 day, and the epherneris is revised as follows:

     1981/82 ET  R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m2
     Aug.  4    22 43.30    - 4 08.3    0.965   1.913   18.2
          14    22 39.77    - 2 37.0
          24    22 33.34    - 1 04.3    0.766   1.767   17.4
     Sept. 3    22 24.61    + 0 28.9
          13    22 15.04    + 2 01.6    0.646   1.633   16.7
          23    22 06.58    + 3 33.4
     Oct.  3    22 01.27    + 5 04.6    0.599   1.517   16.2
          13    22 00.83    + 6 38.1
          23    22 06.10    + 8 17.5    0.600   1.428   15.9
     Nov.  2    22 17.33    +10 05.4
          12    22 34.33    +12 03.7    0.629   1.374   15.9
          22    22 56.54    +14 11.3
     Dec.  2    23 23.31    +16 24.3    0.684   1.362   16.0
          12    23 53.79    +18 37.4
          22     0 26.95    +20 43.3    0.773   1.394   16.4
     Jan.  1     1 01.79    +22 35.8
          11     1 37.29    +24 10.5    0.912   1.465   17.0
          21     2 12.53    +25 25.0
          31     2 46.89    +26 19.4    1.107   1.567   17.7
     Feb. 10     3 19.94    +26 55.1
          20     3 51.45    +27 14.1    1.357   1.692   18.4
     Mar.  2     4 21.38    +27 18.6
          12     4 49.75    +27 10.6    1.651   1.832   19.2
          22     5 16.63    +26 51.6
     Apr.  1     5 42.15    +26 23.0    1.979   1.981   20.0
          11     6 06.39    +25 45.9
          21     6 29.44    +25 01.3    2.326   2.136   20.6

1981 August 4                  (3622)              Brian G. Marsden

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