Circular No. 3695 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 SATELLITES OF SATURN C. Veillet, CERGA, communicates: "On three nights in early May a total of 21 plates of the Saturnian system showing 1980 S 6 ('Dione B') were obtained with the Danish 1.5-m reflector at the European Southern Observatory. They yield, for the satellite's longitude, U = 176o.4 + n(JD-2445093.5) + 1o.23 sin[n(JD-2445094.889)], which fits the observed values within 0o.32 (s.d.). The inferred separation In longitude from Saturn IV (Dione) was 76o.00 on 1982 May 5.1 UT. The inferred eccentricity, 0.0107, confirms the value obtained last year (0.0115) from similar observations. The period, 2.7366 days, is close to that of Dione (2.7388 days). A preliminary reduction of the plates showing the Saturn III (Tethys) Lagrangian bodies gives the following longitude differences from Tethys: 1980 S 25: -63o.7 +/- 1o.4 on 1982 May 4.5 UT (from 16 positions on four consecutive nights); 1980 S 13: +61o.3 +/- 1o.1 on 1982 May 5.2 UT (from five positions on a single night)." SOFT X-RAY TRANSIENT M. Oda and the Hakucho Team telex: "The Hakucho satellite discovered a soft x-ray transient when it maneuvered the detectors toward the galactic center region on Apr. 30. The location of the source is R.A. = 17h41m +/- 1m, Decl. = -28o.0 +/- 0o.1 (equinox 1950.0). The x-ray flux is ~ 0.25 Crab over the 1-10-keV range, with no significant increase or decrease. There are no known x-ray sources within the error box. We shall modify the schedule (IAUC 3681), and Hakucho will continue to observe this source until around May 15, unless anything unexpected occurs. We urge observers to search for the optical or infrared counterpart of this transient." PERIODIC COMET GRIGG-SKJELLERUP (1982a) Total visual magnitude estimates: Apr. 20.07 UT, 13.0 (C. S. Morris, Harvard, MA, 0.25-m reflector); 22.05, 12.6 (Morris); 24.05, 12.6 (Morris); May 11.08, 9.9 (J. Bortle, Stormville, NY, 0.32-m reflector); 12.07, 9.6 (Bortle). Ephemeris on MPC 6215. CORRIGENDUM On IAUC 3690, item Occultation by Uranus and its Rings, the post-emersion time for Ring 4 should read 2h52m37s.6 1982 May 17 (3695) Brian G. Marsden
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