Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 3713: 1982h

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3713
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1982 UT             R. A. (1950) Decl.       m1     Observer
     July 15.17014    16 50 45.58   - 5 42 20.8   16     Skiff
          15.20556    16 50 46.57   - 5 41 37.8            "
          15.58009    16 50 54.82   - 5 33 57.5   16     Gilmore
          15.61331    16 50 55.38   - 5 33 19.7            "
          16.19688    16 51 10.36   - 5 22 05.2          Everhart
          16.38600    16 51 15.32   - 5 18 14.4   16     Gilmore
          16.47269    16 51 17.39   - 5 16 35.4            "
          17.25451    16 51 37.93   - 5 02 00.3          Everhart

B. A. Skiff (Lowell Observatory, Anderson Mesa station).  Measurer:
   E. Bowell.  Comet without condensation.  Somewhat uncertain.
A. C. Gilmore (Mt. John University Observatory).  0.6-m reflector.
   Measurer: P. M. Kilmartin.  Comet condensed.  Poor seeing.
E. Everhart (Chamberlin Observatory field station).  Good seeing.

     The following elliptical orbital elements, by M. P. Candy,
Perth Observatory, satisfy more than three observations over a
5-day arc with maximum residuals 1"-5":

       T = 1982 Apr. 28.532 ET
   Peri. = 330.35                     e =   0.5731
   Node  = 259.99     1950.0          a =   3.6524 AU
   Incl. =  29.96                     n =   0.142779
       q =   1.5477 AU                P =   6.90 years

     H. Kosai, Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, telexes that he, I.
Hasegawa and S. Nakano suggest that comet 1982h is identical with
P/Peters (1846 VI).  Computations by the undersigned show that the
identification is not viable if the period in 1846 was in the sup-
posed range of 9-15 years.  Identity may be possible if the period
were shorter, but the number of intervening revolutions (~ 20) is
unclear.  Further observations of comet 1982h are needed.

     1982 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r      m1
     July 15    16 50.66    - 5 45.9
          20    16 52.95    - 4 14.4    0.906   1.764   15.8
          25    16 55.88    - 3 00.3
          30    16 59.39    - 2 00.9    1.029   1.812   16.1

1982 July 19                   (3713)              Brian G. Marsden

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