Circular No. 3756 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 SUPERNOVA IN NGC 5485 R. Wood and J. Sinclair, Royal Greenwich Observatory, telex and M. Lovas, Konkoly Observatory, confirms that the supernova reported on IAUC 3754 is in the galaxy NGC 5485, not in the nearby NGC 5473. Wood and Sinclair give the accurate position of the supernova as R.A. = 14h05m25s48, Decl. = +55deg15'21".3 (equinox 1950.0), which is 19" west and 63" north of the galaxy's nucleus. VZ SCULPTORIS B. Schaefer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and J. Patterson, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, report that this novalike variable (R.A. = 23h47m33s78, Decl. = -26deg39'32".9, equinox 1950.0) is in a deep low-state. On Oct. 20.047 UT it appeared at mag ~ 20 on an unfiltered IIIa-J exposure with the Curtis Schmidt telescope at Cerro Tololo. Visual observations on Oct. 14.3, 16.2, 18.2 and Nov. 21.2 confirm that VZ Scl was then fainter than mag 16.6, whereas it is normally around mag 15.6. HD 208311: AN UNUSUAL NEW Be STAR W. P. Bidelman, Warner and Swasey Observatory, writes: "HD 208311 = BD +32 4286, listed as of spectral type B5 and photographic magnitude 8.9 in the AGK3, has been found to exhibit strong hydrogen emission of a very unusual character on 10P objective-prism plates taken with the Burrell Schmidt at the Kitt Peak Station of the Warner and Swasey Observatory on 1981 Sept. 7 and 1982 Oct. 14. It had previously been noted (visual survey, in progress) as a new bright-H-alpha star by C. B. Stephenson on a 4-deg. plate taken in 1980 Sept. The star's peculiarity consists of an extremely flat Balmer emission decrement: emission centered in strong absorption wings is seen as far as H-19 on the more recent blue plate. The spectrum now resembles to some extent that of the pole-on star 11 Cam, but the helium lines are substantially broader than those in that object. Presumably the onset of the emission has been fairly recent, as Burrell plates in 1952, 1969 and 1971 show no evidence of it. However, a plate taken on 1972 Sept. 16 suggests that HS emission was somewhat weak at that time, and H-beta appears slightly filled-in on a plate taken on 1976 Aug. 19. We have no plates during the following four years." 1982 December 22 (3756) Brian G. Marsden
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