Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3828: 1983i; 1983 LB AND 1983 LC; SNe

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3828
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     Kenneth S. Russell, U.K. Schmidt Telescope Unit, telexes that
he has discovered a comet on exposures with the 1.2-m Schmidt at
Siding Spring.  The comet has a noticeable tail ~ 3'-4' long at
right angles to the direction of motion.

       1983 UT            R.A.   (1950.0)     Decl.       m1

       June 14.70560     20 36 23.99     - 3 47 35.3      16
            14.74796     20 36 23.31     - 3 47 18.1
            15.61069     20 36 09.84     - 3 42 05.8

1983 LB AND 1983 LC
     The following fast-moving objects have been found by S. R.
Swanson (in the case of 1983 LB), E. Helin and R. S. Dunbar on
exposures with the Palomar 1.2-m Schmidt.  Measurer: Swanson.

   Object     1983 UT           R.A.    (1950.0)   Decl.     Mag.

   1983 LB    June 13.24722    16 31 48.98    -16 37 22.2    16
                   13.27500    16 31 44.65    -16 39 36.6
                   13.28542    16 31 43.66    -16 40 24.7
                   13.29236    16 31 42.74    -16 40 53.0

   1983 LC         13.24722    16 26 18.61    -13 24 05.2    17
                   13.27500    16 26 13.66    -13 23 31.2

     H. Schild, European Southern Observatory, reports the discovery
on June 14.3 UT by M. Pizarro and himself of a supernova at R.A.
= 21h13m58s8, Decl. = -47deg13'52" (equinox 1983.5), 26" east and 24"
south of the nucleus of NGC 7038.  The discovery was made with
the 3.6-m telescope, and a spectrogram (dispersion 172 A/mm) was
also obtained.  Preliminary photometry by K. Jensen with the 1.5-
m Danish telescope gives V = 17.1 +/- 0.2.

     J. Maza, University of Chile, reports the discovery (on an
exposure by L. E. Gonzalez at Cerro El Roble on June 9.1 UT) by M.
Wischnjewsky of a supernova at R.A. = 22h54m00s32, Decl. = -37deg01'44".4
(equinox 1950.0), 84" east and 40" north of the nucleus of the
spiral galaxy ESO 406-G27.  The photographic magnitude was 16.0.

1983 June 17                   (3828)              Brian G. Marsden

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