Circular No. 3903 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 PERIODIC COMET CLARK (1983w) J. Gibson reports the recovery of this comet on an exposure with the 1.2-m Schmidt telescope at Palomar as follows: 1983 UT R.A. (1950.0) Decl. m2 Dec. 15.52016 13 56 35.97 - 5 16 03.4 19.5 The comet is diffuse with condensation and an indication of a tail between p.a. 270 and 290. The position is very close to the prediction on MPC 8157 (elements on MPC 7658). PERIODIC COMET HARTLEY-IRAS (1983v) Ephemeris continuation from MPC 8406: 1984 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m1 Jan. 1 20 47.15 +11 15.9 1.754 1.289 10.8 11 20 46.54 +15 23.8 21 20 46.64 +19 35.1 1.867 1.296 11.0 31 20 47.12 +23 58.7 Feb. 10 20 47.61 +28 43.7 1.871 1.360 11.2 20 20 47.65 +33 59.3 Mar. 1 20 46.59 +39 54.7 1.792 1.471 11.4 11 20 43.24 +46 37.7 21 20 35.31 +54 11.4 1.689 1.616 11.7 31 20 17.58 +62 28.3 Apr. 10 19 35.6 +70 54.8 1.641 1.781 12.1 20 17 46.9 +77 37.5 30 14 38.1 +77 52.1 1.724 1.959 12.6 May 10 12 48.3 +71 48.9 20 12 06.74 +64 20.8 1.963 2.143 13.3 30 11 50.24 +57 12.3 June 9 11 44.22 +50 47.6 2.319 2.330 14.0 GK PERSEI Visual magnitude estimates: Sept. 9.1 UT, 12.9 (J. Bortle, Stormville, NY); 13.2 UT, 12.4 (C. E. Spratt, Victoria, BC); 15.4, 13.1 (Bortle); Oct. 7.1, 13.2 (Bortle); 15.1, 13.2 (Bortle); 30.0, 13.3 (Bortle); Nov. 5.0, 13.4 (Bortle). 1983 December 21 (3903) Brian G. Marsden
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