Circular No. 3916 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 SUPERNOVA IN MCG 9-19-19 Aksenov and Zaitseva, Sternberg Astronomical Institute, cable that N. Metlova has discovered a supernova 8" east and 5" south of the galaxy MCG 9-19-19 (R.A. = 11h12m7, Decl. = +56deg11', equinox 1950.0). The object, detected at the Sternberg Crimean Station, was of mpg = 16.7 on Feb. 1.87 UT. EDITORIAL NOTICE Since the 'dial-in' service described on IAUC 3908 is working so satisfactorily, the Central Bureau has decided to discontinue its automatic telephone-answering system. TWX communication will be maintained, of course, and contributors and subscribers are advised that both the dial-in service and TWX/telex are generally effective methods to contact the Central Bureau at all times. Because of the Bureau's very small staff, telephone communication tends to be less satisfactory, and it would be helpful if telephone calls were restricted to urgent scientific matters--not to problems involving subscriptions, which are best handled by mail. COMET BRADFIELD (1984a) No additional observations have been reported. The following ephemeris continues that on IAUC 3909: 1984 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m1 Mar. 1 21 13.90 -57 33.7 2.044 1.649 13.7 11 21 58.95 -55 25.9 21 22 35.10 -53 05.1 2.176 1.818 14.3 31 23 04.24 -50 48.2 Apr. 10 23 27.95 -48 45.1 2.288 2.005 14.8 20 23 47.39 -47 01.0 30 0 03.33 -45 38.5 2.363 2.203 15.3 May 10 0 16.24 -44 39.1 20 0 26.33 -44 03.0 2.396 2.408 15.7 30 0 33.70 -43 50.1 June 9 0 38.23 -43 59.3 2.396 2.615 16.1 19 0 39.75 -44 28.6 29 0 38.01 -45 14.6 2.384 2.823 16.4 1984 February 17 (3916) Brian G. Marsden
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