Circular No. 3922 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 COMET BRADFIELD (1984a) M. P. Candy, Perth Observatory, communicates the following additional precise positions by J. Johnston and P. Jekabsons: 1984 UT R.A. (1950.0) Decl. Observer Jan. 12.82361 16 17 03.40 -49 49 48.7 Johnston 16.83362 16 38 41.93 -52 01 43.3 Jekabsons 20.82396 17 01 48.89 -53 58 30.6 " 23.81701 17 20 08.28 -55 15 16.4 " 24.81701 17 26 25.54 -55 38 47.7 " 25.82101 17 32 49.58 -56 01 13.8 " 27.83843 17 45 53.73 -56 42 46.6 " The following improved parabolic orbital elements have been derived by the undersigned from 12 observations Jan. 9-27: T = 1983 Dec. 28.6060 ET Peri. = 219.8556 Node = 356.4779 1950.0 q = 1.369419 AU Incl. = 51.7377 1984 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m1 Mar. 1 21 14.30 -57 32.1 2.043 1.647 13.7 11 21 59.39 -55 23.2 21 22 35.56 -53 01.2 2.176 1.816 14.3 31 23 04.71 -50 43.2 Apr. 10 23 28.42 -48 39.0 2.288 2.002 14.8 20 23 47.86 -46 53.8 30 0 03.81 -45 30.2 2.362 2.200 15.3 May 10 0 16.72 -44 29.8 20 0 26.83 -43 52.7 2.395 2.404 15.7 30 0 34.22 -43 38.7 June 9 0 38.79 -43 47.0 2.395 2.611 16.1 19 0 40.36 -44 15.3 29 0 38.68 -45 00.4 2.382 2.819 16.4 AM HERCULIS Visual magnitude estimates by M. Verdenet, Bourbon-Lancy, France: 1983 Dec. 5.8 UT, 13.6; 9.7, 14.6; 14.7, 14.2; 20.7, 14.5; 1984 Feb. 10.2, 14.4; 13.2, 14.5; 15.2, 14.4. 1984 March 8 (3922) Brian G. Marsden
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