Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3938: 1983n; 1983o

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3938
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     M. Festou, Institut d'Astrophysique, Paris, telexes: "The
spectrum obtained on Mar. 30 with IUE shows the customary H I and
OH emissions.  A very weak continuum was recorded around 300 nm.
Comparison with comet 1979 X (as observed with IUE on 1980 Jan.
31) shows the continuum of P/Crommelin to be ~ 4 times weaker.
The gas production (8.6 x 10**27 s**-1, vectorial model) was 4.6 times
smaller and the geocentric distance 2.75 times larger.  P/Crommelin
was 3.5 times dustier than comet 1979 X at the same heliocentric
distance of 1.03 AU.  The only other spectral feature recorded
in P/Crommelin was CS (0-0), although it was just above the
noise level.  The q(CS)/q(OH) ratio, 7 x 10**-5, is the lowest
observed so far, 10 times smaller than that of comet 1979 X and 30
times smaller than that of P/Encke on 1980 Nov. 5.  This is probably
an indication that CS exhibits a very strong Swings effect."

     Total visual magnitude estimates: Mar. 25.18 UT, 8.9 (C. Morris,
Whitaker Peak, CA, 20 x 80 binoculars); 27.03, 9.1 (J. Bortle,
Stormville, NY, 0.32-m reflector); Apr. 2.04, 9.8 (Bortle).

COMET IRAS (1983o)
     Ephemeris continuation from the orbital elements on MPC 8672:

     1984 ET     R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      P        r       m1

     Apr. 10    12 55.73    +26 04.8    1.825    2.713    13.1
          20    12 32.02    +30 35.0
          30    12 11.73    +33 40.7    2.176    2.840    13.7
     May  10    11 55.75    +35 38.8
          20    11 44.15    +36 48.6    2.632    2.975    14.3
          30    11 36.51    +37 26.0
     June  9    11 32.27    +37 42.3    3.112    3.117    14.9
          19    11 30.80    +37 45.6
          29    11 31.57    +37 41.2    3.565    3.264    15.4
     July  9    11 34.14    +37 32.9
          19    11 38.15    +37 23.4    3.959    3.416    15.8
          29    11 43.30    +37 14.7
     Aug.  8    11 49.38    +37 08.6    4.277    3.571    16.2
          18    11 56.19    +37 06.4
          28    12 03.58    +37 09.5    4.508    3.728    16.5

1984 April 12                  (3938)              Brian G. Marsden

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