Circular No. 3970 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 PERIODIC COMET TAKAMIZAWA (1984j) Further precise positions have been reported as follows: 1984 UT R.A. (1950.0) Decl. m1 Observer July 26.68125 21 13 33.0 -17 47 56 6.5 Seki 26.70625 21 13 32.4 -17 48 16 " Aug. 2.69392 21 11 38.62 -19 24 31.6 9.5 " 2.74549 21 11 37.47 -19 25 11.2 " 3.29826 21 11 28.19 -19 32 38.1 Skiff 3.30625 21 11 28.00 -19 32 44.2 " 4.62604 21 11 03.56 -19 50 02.4 9 Saito 4.65104 21 11 03.16 -19 50 21.0 " T. Seki (Geisei). Prediscovery image on July 26 shows the comet to be extremely condensed with a tail ~ 1 deg long in p.a. 270. B. A. Skiff (Lowell Observatory, Anderson Mesa Station). 0.33-m photographic telescope. Fanshaped tail to the northwest. K. Saito (Tokyo Dodaira Station). Measurer: H. Kosai. Computations by S. Nakano, Tokyo, and the undersigned confirm that the comet is a short-period one. The ephemeris (mainly prediscovery) is from the new elements by the undersigned. S. Nakano B. G. Marsden T = 1984 May 23.508 ET T = 1984 May 26.570 ET Peri. = 145.558 Peri. = 147.884 Node = 124.085 1950.0 Node = 124.001 1950.0 Incl. = 9.178 Incl. = 9.010 q = 1.55821 AU q = 1.56860 AU e = 0.58314 e = 0.54920 (12 obs. July 26-Aug. 2) (14 obs. July 26-Aug. 4) 1984 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m1 June 9 20 49.83 - 9 51.9 0.752 1.575 8.9 19 21 01.58 -10 38.0 29 21 09.63 -11 56.8 0.684 1.605 8.7 July 9 21 13.88 -13 46.8 19 21 14.72 -15 59.3 0.667 1.659 8.8 29 21 12.98 -18 20.3 Aug. 8 21 10.03 -20 32.4 0.720 1.732 9.2 18 21 07.40 -22 21.2 28 21 06.29 -23 38.9 0.850 1.822 9.8 1984 August 7 (3970) Brian G. Marsden
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