Circular No. 3979 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 SUPERNOVA IN NGC 991 E. Waagen, AAVSO, communicates the discovery of a supernova in NGC 991 by R. Evans, Maclean, N.S.W., and the confirmation by T. Cragg, Anglo-Australian Observatory, by comparison to a Palomar Sky Survey photograph. Confirmation is also reported by S. Dunbar from two 10-min exposures by E. Helin, M. Barucci, and S. Swanson with the Palomar 0.46-m Schmidt telescope on Aug. 28.5 UT. Dunbar notes that the object is ~ 45-50" from the galaxy's center (R.A. = 2h33m2, Decl. = -7deg22', equinox 1950.0) in p.a. 255 (slightly south of west). Evans reported the supernova at mv = 14.0 on Aug. 28.8 UT and mv = 13.8 on Aug. 29.8. PG 1550+191 I. M. Kopylov, Special Astrophysical Observatory, reports that N. F. Vojkhanskaya observed this AM-Her-type object (cf. IAUC 3616) during July 2-4 with the 6-m telescope at a dispersion of 60 A/mm. The system had faded to mag 17, and the emission lines had practically disappeared from the spectrum. Observations during June 6-8 had shown emission lines of moderate intensity. PERIODIC COMET GIACOBINI-ZINNER (1984e) J. T. Clarke, Marshall Space Flight Center, communicates the following precise position, obtained by J. Brodie, P. McCarthy and himself using the prime-focus CCD detector on the 4-m telescope at Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory. The position was derived from two images obtained roughly 1.5 hr apart, and similar images were obtained the following night. The point-like images of the comet were of essentially constant mv = 23. The position was reduced using nearby AGK3 stars. 1984 UT R.A. (1950.0) Decl. July 21.02708 13 57 31.6 + 4 43 48 NOVA VULPECULAE 1984 Further visual magnitude estimates: Aug. 23.95 UT, 8.3 (R. Lebert, Tours, France); 25.15, 8.1 (J. DeYoung, Alexandria, VA); 26.10, 8.2 (DeYoung); 27.88, 8.5 (E. Schweitzer, Strasbourg, France); 28.90, 7.9 (Schweitzer); 29.13, 7.5 (P. Maley, Houston, TX); 29.91, 7.7 (Schweitzer); 30.83, 7.1 (Schweitzer). 1984 August 31 (3979) Daniel W. E. Green
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