Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3999: 1984o; 1984i; N Vul 1984

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3999
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     Further precise positions, extending to Sept. 23, are given
on MPC 9125.  The only subsequent positions reported are of a pair
of Palomar 1.5-m reflector CCD images obtained by J. Gibson:

         1984 UT              R.A.   (1950.0)    Decl.

         Oct.  6.11123      14 42 08.20      + 1 30 07.6
               6.11968      14 42 07.53      + 1 29 54.8

     The following parabolic orbital elements, from six consistent
positions Sept. 18-Oct. 6, yield a post-conjunction ephemeris that
differs somewhat from the one on MPC 9165.

          T = 1984 Oct. 13.949 ET  Peri. = 128.005
                                   Node  =  11.009   1950.0
          q =   0.85686 AU         Incl. = 145.608

     1984 ET     R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r       m1

     Nov. 16    14 00.59    -11 47.6    1.907    1.048    13.1
          26    13 50.33    -14 47.6
     Dec.  6    13 38.12    -17 56.2    1.770    1.276    13.8
          16    13 22.26    -21 17.6
          26    13 00.39    -24 52.1    1.534    1.531    14.3

     Total visual magnitude estimates: Sept. 19.41 UT, 7.7 (J.
DeYoung, Alexandria, VA, 0.15-m reflector); 25.52, 7.9 (C. S.
Morris, Tujunga, CA, 20 x 80 binoculars); 29.42, 7.9 (C. Spratt,
Victoria, BC, 0.20-m reflector); Oct. 2.46, 7.9 (Morris); 6.49,
8.5 (R. Keen, Boulder, CO, 0.15-m reflector).  Antitail lengths
and position angles: Sept 25.5, 10', 120 (Morris, 0.25-m
reflector); Oct. 6.5, 25', 120 (Keen, 0.32-m reflector).

     Visual magnitude estimates: Sept. 24.8 UT, 9.0 (P. Valisa,
Varese, Italy); 27.04, 9.3 (DeYoung); 29.13, 8.8 (Spratt); Oct.
1.05, 9.1 (P. Maley, Houston, TX); 3.08, 8.8 (Maley); 5.01, 8.7
(DeYoung); 6.39, 8.7 (R. McNaught, Coonabarabran, NSW); 8.13, 8.4
(C. Womack, Lewisville, TX); 8.17, 7.8 (T. Jeffrey, Three Rivers,
CA); 8.43, 8.1 (McNaught); 9.45, 8.6 (McNaught).

1984 October 15                (3999)              Brian G. Marsden

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