Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 4012: 1984s

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4012
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     The following precise positions have been received:

    1984 UT            R.A.   (1950.0)   Decl.     Observer

    Nov. 15.17257     2 01 46.56    + 9 47 57.2    Everhart
         15.28422     2 01 49.86    + 9 44 12.6    Gibson
         16.14672     2 02 19.01    + 9 14 55.2      "
         22.53889     2 06 55.62    + 5 26 50.2    Koishikawa
         22.60972     2 06 58.85    + 5 24 13.0      "
         23.57674     2 07 52.92    + 4 48 22.0      "
         23.62049     2 07 55.11    + 4 46 43.2      "

E. Everhart (Chamberlin Observatory field station).
J. Gibson (Palomar).  1.2-m Schmidt.
M. Koishikawa (Sendai Obs., Ayashi Sta.).  Measurer: S. Kasahara.

     Orbit by S. Nakano, Tokyo, from observations Oct. 25-Nov. 23:

         T = 1985 Jan. 3.8788 ET  Peri. = 229.2303
         e =   0.969547           Node  = 222.7623   1950.0
         q =   1.214230 AU        Incl. =  13.8699

     1984/85 ET  R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r       m1

     Nov. 16     2 02.22    + 9 20.1    0.456    1.422    10.8
          26     2 10.39    + 3 17.7
     Dec.  6     2 24.95    - 3 01.3    0.384    1.292    10.0

          11     2 35.03    - 6 03.8
          16     2 47.02    - 8 54.8    0.371    1.248     9.8
          21     3 00.92    -11 29.3
          26     3 16.62    -13 43.1    0.370    1.222     9.7
          31     3 33.95    -15 32.9
     Jan.  5     3 52.63    -16 56.6    0.380    1.214     9.7
          10     4 12.29    -17 53.1
          15     4 32.56    -18 22.2    0.400    1.226     9.9
          20     4 53.05    -18 24.9
          25     5 13.43    -18 03.4    0.434    1.257    10.2
          30     5 33.42    -17 21.2
     Feb.  4     5 52.77    -16 22.1    0.481    1.304    10.6
           9     6 11.30    -15 10.4
          14     6 28.94    -13 50.1    0.543    1.366    11.0
          19     6 45.66    -12 24.8
          24     7 01.49    -10 58.0    0.622    1.439    11.6

1984 November 26               (4012)              Brian G. Marsden

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