Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4033: LILLER'S Var IN NORMA (N Nor 1985); N Vul 1984 No. 2; 1E 1402.3+0416

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4033
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     R. H. McNaught, Siding Spring Observatory, reports the
following magnitude estimates (B and V with respect to a nearby
photoelectric sequence) from his examination of old charts: 1916 July
5, B [ 15.5 (Union Observatory); 1960 Aug. 26, mag 16 (at limit of
Southern Milky Way chart, 103a-D emulsion); 1966 Apr. 21, B = 15.4
(Canterbury); 1970 Apr. 11, B [ 16.5 (Atlas Stellarum); 1973 July
1, V [ 12.6 (Papadopoulos); 1975 July 12, B = 16.9 (ESO B); 1976
May 5, J = 14.8 (UKSTU J); 1982 Apr. 19, bright (UKSTU I).  He
also provides recent visual magnitudes: 1985 Jan. 31.75 UT, 12.7;
Feb. 1.76, 12.7; 2.75, 12.7; 3.77, 12.7; 5.78, 13.3:.  It appears
that the object is a red long-period variable.

     Yu. K. Bergner, S. L. Bondarenko, A. S. Miroshnichenko, R. V.
Yudin and N. Yu. Yutanov, Main Astronomical Observatory of the
U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences; and K. S. Kuratov and D. B. Mukanov,
Astrophysical Institute of the Kazakh S.S.R. Academy of Sciences,
report the following photoelectric observations, obtained with the
1.0-m Kazakh telescope.  Standard deviations are + 0.02 mag in U,
B, V and R, + 0.05 mag in I, J and H, and + 0.09 mag in K.

1985 UT        U      B      V      R      I      J      H      K

Jan.  8.82    6.61   6.68   6.75          5.04   5.02   4.76   4.6:
      9.78    6.57   7.17   6.79   5.84   5.01   4.97   4.69   4.35
     10.78    6.65   7.29   6.94   5.98   5.12   5.12   4.92   4.42
     11.30    6.75   7.37   6.97   6.10   5.16

     Visual magnitude estimates: Jan. 16.83 UT, 7.6 (R. Lukas, West
Berlin); 19.04 UT, 7.6 (P. Maley, Houston, TX); 20.04, 7.8 (Maley):
20.85, 7.8 (Lukas); 24.75, 8.5 (C. Franciosi, Varese, Italy).

1E 1402.3+0416
     P. Giommi and P. Barr, EXOSAT Observatory, report that EXOSAT
observations of the BL-Lac object 1E 1402.3+0416 on Feb. 1 yield a
mean 0.3-3.5-keV intensity of 1.4 x 10**-14 J m**-2 s**-1, a factor of
ten higher than that previously found by the Einstein Observatory.
In addition, variability by a factor of two on a timescale of less
than 6 hr was detected.  Optical and radio observations are urged.

1985 February 7                (4033)              Brian G. Marsden

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