Circular No. 4182 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 PG 1115+080 C. Christian, D. Crabtree and P. Waddell, Canada-France- Hawaii Telescope, report the discovery of the lensing galaxy for the triple quasar PG 1115+080. The observations were made on Feb. 18 with the 3.6-m reflector, using a double-density RCA CCD at the prime focus. The galaxy, which is visible on the V and I frames but not B, is located 0"31 east and 1"34 south of component C. Preliminary measurements indicate that the galaxy has V = 21.3 and V-I = +0.65. Measurement of the twin A component indicates that the northern component is 0.3 mag fainter than the southern component in B. This difference is reduced to 0.2 mag in I. (3361) 1982 HR This newly-numbered Apollo object will make a close approach to the earth in April. The following ephemeris is from the orbital elements on MPC 10379. 1986 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r V Mar. 29 22 45.58 - 7 32.9 31 22 23.25 - 8 15.4 0.075 0.938 20.5 Apr. 2 21 59.20 - 8 54.3 4 21 33.83 - 9 27.5 0.070 0.957 18.3 6 21 07.62 - 9 53.3 8 20 41.14 -10 10.6 0.069 0.977 17.0 10 20 14.97 -10 19.3 12 19 49.63 -10 19.7 0.071 0.997 16.3 14 19 25.49 -10 13.2 16 19 02.84 -10 01.2 0.075 1.018 15.9 18 18 41.78 - 9 45.4 20 18 22.37 - 9 27.2 0.082 1.039 15.7 22 18 04.54 - 9 07.9 24 17 48.22 - 8 48.4 0.092 1.060 15.6 26 17 33.29 - 8 29.4 28 17 19.62 - 8 11.4 0.102 1.082 15.7 30 17 07.10 - 7 54.7 May 2 16 55.61 - 7 39.6 0.115 1.103 15.7 4 16 45.06 - 7 26.4 6 16 35.39 - 7 15.0 0.129 1.124 15.8 8 16 26.52 - 7 05.5 10 16 18.40 - 6 58.0 0.144 1.145 15.9 1986 February 27 (4182) Brian G. Marsden
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