Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4184: N Vul 1984 No. 2; N Sco 1985; 1985m

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4184
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     A. R. Taylor, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute; E. R. Seaquist,
University of Toronto; and S. R. Pottasch, Kapteyn Astronomical
Institute, report the radio detection of Nova Vul 1984 No. 2 with
the Very Large Array.  Multi-frequency observations show a steeply
rising spectrum with the flux density at longer wavelengths
increasing with time.  Measured flux densities (in mJy) at 5 GHz
were: 1985 July 16, 4.1; Oct. 7, 7.0; Dec. 18, 11.0.  A high-
resolution map at 15 GHz on Oct. 7 revealed a main radio source plus a
lobe of emission extending ~ 0"25 to the southeast.  There is no
counterpart of the lobe to the northwest of the main component.
Radio coordinates of the nova are R.A. = 20h24m40s52, Decl. = +27deg40'48"1
(equinox 1950.0).

     R. Lukas, Wilhelm Foerster Sternwarte, has identified images
on IIa-O plates taken with the GPO astrograph at the European
Southern Observatory as follows: 1981 July 23, mag 16; Aug. 7, 17;
1985 Aug. 11, 16; Aug. 17, 17.5.

     Ephemeris from the orbital elements on MPC 10377:

     1986 ET     R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r       m1

     Mar. 11    20 40.06    + 9 09.4    2.369    1.768    11.8
          21    20 34.90    + 9 52.0
          31    20 27.33    +10 41.0    2.224    1.959    12.2
     Apr. 10    20 16.56    +11 34.3
          20    20 01.68    +12 27.8    2.013    2.160    12.4
          30    19 41.82    +13 14.4
     May  10    19 16.39    +13 43.9    1.816    2.367    12.5
          20    18 45.65    +13 43.0
          30    18 11.29    +13 00.0    1.744    2.575    12.8
     June  9    17 36.27    +11 32.3
          19    17 03.90    + 9 29.5    1.887    2.785    13.3
          29    16 36.52    + 7 08.5
     July  9    16 14.93    + 4 44.8    2.242    2.993    14.0
          19    15 58.88    + 2 27.9
          29    15 47.59    + 0 21.9    2.733    3.199    14.7

1986 February 27               (4184)              Brian G. Marsden

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