Circular No. 4248 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 SUPERNOVA 1986J IN NGC 891 J. van Gorkom, M. Rupen, G. Knapp and J. Gunn, Princeton University, report the detection with the Very Large Array on Aug. 21 of a probable radio supernova in NGC 891 at R.A. = 2h19m22s6, Decl. = +42deg06'19" (equinox 1950.0). Measured fluxes on Aug. 24 were 76, 112 and 53 mJy at 1.515, 4.835 and 14.9 GHz, respectively. Measurements by G. Neugebauer amd K. Matthews with the Palomar 5-m telescope on Aug. 22 gave ~ 1.5 mJy (mag 14) at 2.2 microns. IRAS 16399-0937 L. Staveley-Smith, S. W. Unger, R. J. Cohen, J. M. Chapman and L. Pointon, Jodrell Bank, report: "With the Mk IA radio telescope we have detected OH megamaser emission from the source IRAS 16399-0937, which appears on the Palomar Sky Survey as an interacting galaxy. The 1667-MHz line has a recession velocity of 8010 km/s, a peak flux density of 25 mJy and an isotropic luminosity of 40 MO (for an assumed distance of 110 Mpc)." COMET CHURYUMOV-SOLODOVNIKOV (1986i) The following parabolic elements are from MPC 11047: T = 1986 May 6.2284 ET Peri. = 157.6525 Node = 133.9176 1950.0 q = 2.641062 AU Incl. = 114.9195 1986 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m1 Aug. 18 20 31.05 -32 24.5 1.911 2.857 13.0 28 20 06.86 -36 28.3 Sept. 7 19 46.33 -39 27.1 2.240 2.943 13.4 17 19 30.42 -41 34.1 27 19 19.24 -43 04.6 2.676 3.039 14.0 Oct. 7 19 12.39 -44 11.1 17 19 09.28 -45 02.7 3.141 3.144 14.5 27 19 09.28 -45 45.2 Nov. 6 19 11.84 -46 22.7 3.579 3.258 14.9 16 19 16.48 -46 57.8 26 19 22.81 -47 32.3 3.957 3.378 15.3 Dec. 6 19 30.51 -48 07.4 16 19 39.32 -48 44.3 4.253 3.505 15.6 1986 August 28 (4248) Brian G. Marsden
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