Circular No. 4274 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 NOVA CENTAURI 1986 Rob H. McNaught, Siding Spring Observatory, reports his discovery of a nova on four 1-min exposures with an 85-mm lens on Nov. 22.7 UT. He has measured the following position from a 10-s exposure with the Uppsala southern Schmidt telescope on Nov. 23: R.A. = 14h32m13s.47, Decl. = -57 24'31".1 (equinox 1950.0). He also identified the prenova on U.K. Schmidt B and J plates and provides the following magnitude information: 1974 May 26, 18.6 (B); June 20, 18.0 (B); 1975 June 9, 20.3 (J); 1976 Mar. 11, 18.6 (J); 1978 May 7, 20.1 (J); 1986 Nov. 8.43 UT, [9.3; 10.43, [7.2; 22.72, 5.6 (pv); 23.41, 5.3; 23.59, 5.3:; 23.73, 5.1 (pv); 23.73, 4.8 (naked eye). Red/infrared plates during 1978-1982 show the object to be somewhat fainter than on the J and B plates. Examination of five atlases back to 1916 shows no star in the position to mag 12-16. M. W. Feast, South African Astronomical Observatory, communicates the following observations by B. S. Carter and J. D. Laing on Nov. 24.1 UT: V = 4.6, J = 3.02, H = 2.69, K = 2.54, L = 2.48. GK PERSEI E. Schweizer, AFOEV; J. Mattei, AAVSO; and G. M. Hurst, "The Astronomer" magazine, have communicated visual magnitude estimates indicating that this 1901 nova is having a minor outburst: Nov. 13.98 UT, 13.1 (S. Lubbock, Bridgend, Wales); 15.79, 13.0 (D. Stott, Winchester, Eng.); 17.14, 12.5 (J. Griese, Stamford, CT); 19.7, 11.4 (M. Verdenet, Bourbon-Lancy, Fr.); 19.90, 11.7 ( Lubbock); 19.99, 11.8 (G. Dyck, N. Dartmouth, MA); 20.01, 11.4 (G. Chaple, Townsend, MA); 20.19, 12.2 (Griese); 20.26, 11.9 (Lubbock). SU TAURI Visual magnitude estimates: Nov. 6.9 UT, 10.5 (A. Mizser, Budapest, Hungary); 8.9, 11.8 (Mizser); 10.82, 11.7 (E. Schweizer, Strasbourg, France); 12.7, 12.5 (M. Verdenet, Bourbon-Lancy, France); 20.28, 13.0 (J. Griese, Stamford, CT). PERIODIC COMET HALLEY (1982i) A. Tokunaga, University of Hawaii, communicates the following observations by W. Golisch at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility on Nov. 16.6 UT (7".3 aperture): J = 13.4, H = 13.1, K = 13.1. 1986 November 24 (4274) Brian G. Marsden
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