Circular No. 4339 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 SUPERNOVA 1987A IN THE LARGE MAGELLANIC CLOUD H.-E. Schwarz, European Southern Observatory, telexes: " Polarimetry with the ESO polarimeter on the ESO/MPI 2.2-m telescope on Mar. 6 and 7 shows effects in both angle and degree of polarization across strong lines. The degree is generally less in the line absorption than at the rest wavelength. UBVRI measures show a general decrease in the degree and some angle changes. Since the IAUC 4328 report of spectropolarimetry that found no structure, the lines have strengthened, and it is suggested that these effects might increase in strength. More spectropolarimetry is recommended. The results (polarization in percent, angles in deg in equatorial system, errors in the last stated figure in each case being given in parentheses): U, 0.58 (6), 48 (3); B, 0.64 (6), 35 (3); V, 0.63 (7), 33 (3); R, 0.60 (5), 36 (2); I, 0.58 (7), 31 (3); H alpha absorption and rest, 0.54 (9), 40 (5) and 0.80 (9), 34 (3); H beta absorption and rest, 0.36 (6), 122 (5) and 0.72 (6), 37 (2); H gamma absorption and rest, 0.46 (9), 44 (5) and 0.67 (8), 29 (3); Na D absorption and rest, 0.28 (8), 44 (8) and 0.70 (7), 28 (3)." N. K. Rao, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, provides the following radial velocities (in units of 10**3 km/s), obtained with the 1-m telescope at the Vainu Bappu Observatory from P-Cyg-profile absorption cores: H alpha, Feb. 26.63 UT, 16.1; 28.63, 14.5; Mar. 2.63, 13.5; 3.64, 12.5; 5.62, 12.4; H beta, Mar. 3.63, 10.8: 4.62, 10.4; He I 587.6 nm, Feb. 26.63, 9.1; 28.63, 7.1; Mar. 2.63, 7.1; 4.62, 6.7; feature at 458.3 nm (Fe II?), Mar. 4.62, 9.2; infrared Ca II triplet, Mar. 3.64, 7.4; 5.62, 7.4. An emission peak at 606 nm, probably the blue wing of the H alpha emission, was not present on Feb. 26 but appears on Feb. 27 and later. He also provides the following polarizations (in percent) and position angles (in deg), measured by A. V. Raveendran, U. C. Joshi, N. M. Vadher and himself (with errors in last figure in parentheses): Mar. 6.65 UT, B, 0.64 (4), 26 (4); V, 0.75 (6), 37 (5); R, 0.74 (4), 27 (3); I, 0.70 (8), 31 (6); Mar. 7.63 UT, B, 0.74 (4), 30 (3); V, 0.70 (1), 49 (1); R, 0.68 (3), 29 (3); I, 0.69 (7), 22 (6). E. Fireman, Center for Astrophysics, reports that argon was extracted from the solar neutrino chlorine detector at Homestake mine, South Dakota, by R. Davis and B. Cleveland on Mar. 4, and in five subsequent days of counting no 37Ar decays were observed. 1987 March 10 (4339) Brian G. Marsden
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