Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4363: 1986n; 1987A

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4363
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     Orbital elements from MPC 11614 (epoch 1987 Mar. 26.0 ET):

         T = 1987 Mar.  9.7580 ET    Peri. =  70.2689
         e =   0.998515              Node  =  74.0833   1950.0
         q =   1.720326 AU           i     = 160.5746

     1987 ET     R.A.  (1950)  Decl.    Delta      r       m1
     Apr. 15    23 28.99    +11 05.6    2.587    1.784     9.6
          25    23 24.96    +11 27.7
     May   5    23 19.00    +11 49.3    2.354    1.869     9.8
          15    23 10.28    +12 07.3
          25    22 57.72    +12 17.4    2.026    1.983    10.0
     June  4    22 39.88    +12 12.1
          14    22 15.08    +11 39.6    1.676    2.119    10.1
          24    21 41.89    +10 23.2
     July  4    21 00.33    + 8 06.2    1.434    2.271    10.4
          14    20 13.58    + 4 47.5
          24    19 27.64    + 0 54.4    1.469    2.435    11.1
     Aug.  3    18 48.17    - 2 52.1
          13    18 17.68    - 6 05.6    1.810    2.607    12.1
          23    17 55.77    - 8 41.3
     Sept. 2    17 40.92    -10 44.9    2.328    2.785    13.2
          12    17 31.47    -12 24.0
          22    17 26.05    -13 45.0    2.903    2.967    14.3
     Oct.  2    17 23.65    -14 52.4
          12    17 23.49    -15 49.4    3.462    3.151    15.2

     J. B. Hearnshaw, University of Canterbury, telexes:  "Mt. John
Observatory observations indicated that the SN's optical spectrum
has shown a slower rate of change in the last two weeks.  The
asymmetric emission peak at 406 nm (cf. IAUC 4353) became double-peaked
by Mar. 22.365 UT, and by Apr. 6.329 these peaks were at 407 and
410 nm; the latter is probably N III.  The bump on the short-wavelength
side of H-alpha at 647 nm (cf. IAUC 4350, 4353) reached its maximum
strength at about Mar. 24 and is now weaker.  H-alpha is the only
clearly identifiable Balmer line in emission."
     Further visual magnitude estimates by R. H. McNaught, Siding
Spring Observatory:  Apr. 8.42 UT, 3.6; 9.79, 3.5.

1987 April 10                  (4363)            Daniel W. E. Green

Read IAUC 4362  SEARCH Read IAUC 4364

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