Circular No. 4444 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 PERIODIC COMET GEHRELS 1 (1987v) This comet has been recovered by J. V. Scotti, University of Arizona, with the SPACEWATCH camera on Kitt Peak. There is an 82" tail in p.a. 262 deg. Predictions on MPC 10521 and on Kobataka Circ. No. 15 require correction by delta T = -4.4 and -3.3 days, respectively. 1987 UT R.A. (1950) Decl. m1 Aug. 29.42566 4 09 01.82 +26 37 37.7 29.48542 4 09 05.11 +26 38 00.5 31.42880 4 10 53.74 +26 49 43.2 31.47502 4 10 56.27 +26 50 00.1 17.1 The following orbital elements, by B. G. Marsden, satisfy 23 observations 1972 Oct. 11-1987 Aug. 31 with mean residual 1".2: T = 1987 Aug. 10.2437 ET Epoch = 1987 July 24.0 ET W = 28.4814 e = 0.510023 O = 12.8681 1950.0 a = 6.099271 AU i = 9.6134 n = 0.0654315 q = 2.988500 AU P = 15.063 years 1987/88 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Aug. 13 3 51.67 +24 53.0 3.027 2.989 17.0 23 4 02.65 +25 57.9 Sept. 2 4 12.32 +26 59.2 2.776 2.993 16.9 12 4 20.40 +27 57.3 22 4 26.62 +28 52.5 2.534 3.004 16.7 Oct. 2 4 30.68 +29 44.5 12 4 32.36 +30 32.7 2.324 3.021 16.5 22 4 31.54 +31 15.6 Nov. 1 4 28.27 +31 51.4 2.173 3.045 16.4 11 4 22.93 +32 17.7 21 4 16.11 +32 32.8 2.111 3.076 16.4 Dec. 1 4 08.71 +32 36.2 11 4 01.71 +32 29.0 2.158 3.112 16.6 21 3 55.98 +32 14.4 31 3 52.20 +31 55.9 2.312 3.153 16.8 Jan. 10 3 50.74 +31 37.4 20 3 51.70 +31 21.6 2.553 3.200 17.1 30 3 55.01 +31 10.0 Feb. 9 4 00.48 +31 03.3 2.851 3.251 17.5 1987 September 1 (4444) Brian G. Marsden
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