Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4464: 1987x; 1987 SB

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Read IAUC 4463  SEARCH Read IAUC 4465
IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4464
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     This comet has been independently recovered by T. Seki,
Geisei, as follows:

      1987 UT              R.A. (1950) Decl.            m1
      Oct.  1.82188     10 04 59.9      +26 47 11       18

1987 SB
     V. Shkodrov reports the discovery of a fast-moving asteroidal
object by E. Elst, V. Ivanova and himself.  Available positions:

    1987 UT            R.A. (1950) Decl.       Mag.  Observer
    Sept.20.39566    0 42 20.95   - 3 50 03.0   17   Helin
         20.42431    0 42 17.12   - 3 50 21.7          "
         22.99624    0 36 44.49   - 4 16 04.0        Elst
         23.01620    0 36 41.98   - 4 16 15.2          "
         27.33368    0 27 59.20   - 4 54 06.7   17   Shoemaker
         30.35972    0 22 22.60   - 5 16 38.3          "

E. Helin et al. (Palomar).  Prediscovery images.  Measurer J. Alu.
E. Elst et al. (Bulgarian National Observatory, Smolyan).
C. Shoemaker and E. Shoemaker (Palomar).  0.46-m Schmidt.

          T = 1987 June 6.681 ET
          W = 167.393                    e =   0.64965
          O =  83.021   1950.0           a =   2.15920 AU
          i =   2.991                    n =   0.310645
          q =   0.75647 AU               P =   3.17 years

     1987 ET      R.A. (1950) Decl.     Delta      r       V
     Sept.22     0 38.87    - 4 06.2    0.634    1.629    16.0
          27     0 28.63    - 4 51.3
     Oct.  2     0 19.53    - 5 27.3    0.725    1.721    16.4
           7     0 11.70    - 5 54.2
          12     0 05.17    - 6 12.5    0.840    1.810    17.0
          17    23 59.94    - 6 22.8
          22    23 55.96    - 6 25.9    0.975    1.897    17.6
          27    23 53.14    - 6 22.7
     Nov.  1    23 51.41    - 6 13.8    1.129    1.981    18.1
           6    23 50.64    - 6 00.0
          11    23 50.73    - 5 42.0    1.299    2.061    18.6

1987 October 4                 (4464)              Brian G. Marsden

Read IAUC 4463  SEARCH Read IAUC 4465

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