Circular No. 4508 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 TV COLUMBAE H. E. Schwarz and M. H. M. Heemskerk, European Southern Observatory, telex: "We have observed two outbursts of TV Col = 2A 0526-328. Burst 1 started at V about 14.0 on Nov. 26.13 UT and reached its peak of V about 11.9 on Nov. 26.23. Burst 2 started before Dec. 4.06 and had decayed from V about 12 to V about 13 by Dec. 4.31. Both outbursts were observed in the five-color Walraven photometric system on the 0.91-m Dutch telescope at La Silla. The Burst 1 lightcurve shows a smooth rise of 2 mag in about 2.5 hr, followed by a 0.5-mag oscillation with period about 1 hr. Burst 2 decayed in an irregular manner over about 4 hr and was simultaneously monitored with the Boller and Chivens spectrograph (+ CCD) at the ESO 1.52-m telescope. Several spectra (range 434-690 nm, dispersion 17.2 nm/ mm) were taken. Extreme changes compared with quiescent spectra were: the presence of He II 454.2 and 541.1 nm lines and the N IV 579.4-nm line; increased strength of H alpha, H beta, N III 464.1 nm, He I 667.8 nm, and a He II 468.6-nm line the intensity of which attained up to 1.5 times that of H beta. Continuum changes also were obvious. It seems that TV Col is now in an active phase (with two outbursts in one week and the previous observed flare in 1982 Nov.), and further monitoring of the system is recommended." PERIODIC COMET SHOEMAKER-HOLT (1987z) Orbital elements from MPC 12576: T = 1988 May 21.7415 ET W = 210.5687 e = 0.324266 O = 213.8357 1950.0 a = 4.512827 AU i = 4.3588 n = 0.1028090 q = 3.049472 AU P = 9.587 years 1987/88 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Dec. 1 0 52.48 + 6 09.4 11 0 53.59 + 6 03.3 2.612 3.180 15.1 21 0 56.67 + 6 10.3 31 1 01.60 + 6 29.8 2.853 3.151 15.3 Jan. 10 1 08.21 + 7 00.3 20 1 16.33 + 7 40.3 3.108 3.125 15.4 30 1 25.79 + 8 28.2 Feb. 9 1 36.40 + 9 22.3 3.356 3.103 15.5 1987 December 5 (4508) Brian G. Marsden
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