Circular No. 4586 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN PERIODIC COMET FINLAY (1988f) A. C. Gilmore and P. M. Kilmartin, Mount John Observatory, report that they have recovered this comet as follows: 1988 UT R.A. (1950) Decl. m2 Apr. 21.72515 23 26 21.61 - 6 21 31.6 17 21.74367 23 26 25.75 - 6 21 03.1 22.72156 23 30 06.32 - 5 57 01.8 17 22.74066 23 30 10.83 - 5 56 35.8 The object is diffuse, without condensation, and in very close agreement with the prediction on MPC 12812 (elements on MPC 11519). (2060) CHIRON A. L. Cochran, University of Texas, communicates: "Spectroscopic observations (range 350-650 nm) of (2060) Chiron were obtained on Mar. 19 by E. Barker using the IDS spectrograph on the 2.7-m telescope at the McDonald Observatory. The reductions were performed by S. Sawyer and A. Cochran. The aperture projected to 36 588 km**2 at the distance of Chiron. No emissions were detected. The 2-sigma upper limits for the column densities of the molecules CN, C3 and C2 (delta v = 0) were 7.37, 9.73 and 5.97 x 10**9, respectively. Because of the large heliocentric distance, these column densities do not give very tight upper limits for gaseous production. The logarithms of the production rates (molecules/s) are 25.51 (CN), 25.02 (C3) and 26.06 (C2)." NOVA OPHIUCHI 1988 Prediscovery photographic magnitude estimates by R. H. McNaught, Siding Spring Observatory: Feb. 26.78 UT, [10.9; Mar. 24.63, 11.9: (weak images on a pair of exposures). P. M. Kilmartin, Mount John Observatory, reports that a blue objective-prism spectrogram obtained by A. C. Gilmore on Apr. 24.47 UT showed strong hydrogen emission lines on a weak continuum. Photoelectric photometry on Apr. 23.71 UT gave V = 10.42, U-B = -0.14, B-V = +0.81, V-R = +1.19, V-I = +1.79. Visual magnitude estimates by McNaught: Apr. 19.50 UT, 10.0; 20.60, 10.0; 22.53, 10.1; 23.51, 10.0; 24.64, 9.8; 25.77, 9.8. 1988 April 26 (4586) Brian G. Marsden
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