Circular No. 4707 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN 1988 VP4 Precise positions measured by C. Shoemaker from exposures by E. Shoemaker, D. Levy and herself with the University of Arizona's 0.46-m Schmidt telescope at Mt. Bigelow (Catalina Station): 1988 UT R.A. (1950) Decl. Dec. 14.23750 23 29 18.93 +15 34 23.3 14.26180 23 29 19.53 +15 34 01.2 Orbital elements from the above and the observations on MPC 13985: Epoch = 1989 Feb. 3.0 ET T = 1989 Feb. 20.0508 ET Peri. = 215.5219 e = 0.652812 Node = 282.1362 1950.0 q = 0.785769 AU Incl. = 11.6594 a = 2.263238 AU n = 0.2894734 P = 3.405 years 1989 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r V Jan. 14 0 04.60 + 8 52.7 0.566 0.967 16.6 19 0 13.29 + 7 37.8 24 0 22.36 + 6 09.1 0.506 0.890 16.5 29 0 31.55 + 4 19.9 Feb. 3 0 40.53 + 2 01.6 0.436 0.829 16.6 8 0 48.88 - 0 56.2 13 0 56.05 - 4 46.2 0.360 0.793 16.9 18 1 01.35 - 9 42.1 23 1 03.96 -15 55.1 0.292 0.787 17.6 28 1 02.93 -23 28.3 Mar. 5 0 57.15 -32 09.2 0.245 0.811 17.8 10 0 45.20 -41 25.1 15 0 25.14 -50 29.8 0.229 0.862 16.6 20 23 54.22 -58 36.6 25 23 08.88 -65 10.3 0.237 0.933 15.6 30 22 05.93 -69 46.9 Apr. 4 20 47.2 -72 10.4 0.258 1.018 15.1 9 19 24.7 -72 19.5 14 18 13.3 -70 38.7 0.287 1.111 15.0 19 17 18.70 -67 45.5 24 16 38.67 -64 11.1 0.322 1.207 15.0 29 16 09.32 -60 15.9 May 4 15 47.57 -56 13.6 0.370 1.306 15.1 1989 January 8 (4707) Brian G. Marsden
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