Circular No. 4770 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN (2060) CHIRON K. J. Meech, University of Hawaii; and M. J. S. Belton, Kitt Peak National Observatory, report that (2060) Chiron has a coma. Observations made using a CCD at the prime focus of the KPNO 4-m telescope on Apr. 10 UT in nearly photometric conditions showed the feature, which was of very low surface brightness, extending mostly to the southeast for about 5". The seeing was such that the FWHM image of Chiron had a diameter of 0".9, and the very approximate Mould r mag was 16.4. The coma had the same general appearance on Apr. 11 in slightly poorer seeing. 1989 FB Orbital elements from MPC 14479: T = 1989 Sept.16.626 ET Peri. = 333.719 e = 0.25780 Node = 23.345 1950.0 q = 0.77470 AU Incl. = 14.693 a = 1.04379 AU n = 0.924242 P = 1.07 years 1989 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r V Apr. 12 12 37.99 + 2 03.0 0.287 1.282 15.4 14 12 29.40 + 1 30.2 16 12 20.94 + 0 56.0 0.287 1.276 15.6 18 12 12.68 + 0 20.5 20 12 04.69 - 0 15.9 0.290 1.268 15.8 22 11 57.01 - 0 53.1 24 11 49.71 - 1 30.8 0.296 1.260 15.9 26 11 42.81 - 2 08.7 28 11 36.34 - 2 46.7 0.305 1.251 16.1 30 11 30.33 - 3 24.6 May 2 11 24.77 - 4 02.4 0.315 1.241 16.3 4 11 19.68 - 4 40.0 6 11 15.04 - 5 17.4 0.327 1.231 16.5 8 11 10.85 - 5 54.4 10 11 07.10 - 6 31.2 0.340 1.220 16.6 12 11 03.76 - 7 07.7 14 11 00.81 - 7 44.0 0.354 1.209 16.8 1989 April 11 (4770) Daniel W. E. Green
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