Circular No. 4902 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN 1989 VB Ephemeris from the orbital elements on IAUC 4901: 1989 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r V Nov. 6 0 36.45 + 5 14.7 0.078 1.058 15.7 7 0 46.88 + 6 51.9 8 0 56.73 + 8 22.0 0.084 1.065 15.8 9 1 06.01 + 9 45.1 10 1 14.73 +11 01.5 0.091 1.073 15.9 11 1 22.92 +12 11.5 12 1 30.61 +13 15.6 0.099 1.081 16.1 13 1 37.83 +14 14.1 14 1 44.61 +15 07.6 0.107 1.089 16.2 15 1 50.97 +15 56.4 16 1 56.94 +16 41.0 0.116 1.098 16.4 17 2 02.56 +17 21.7 18 2 07.85 +17 59.0 0.125 1.107 16.5 19 2 12.82 +18 33.0 20 2 17.51 +19 04.1 0.135 1.116 16.7 21 2 21.94 +19 32.7 22 2 26.13 +19 58.9 0.145 1.126 16.9 23 2 30.09 +20 22.9 24 2 33.85 +20 45.0 0.156 1.136 17.0 25 2 37.42 +21 05.3 26 2 40.82 +21 24.1 0.167 1.146 17.2 27 2 44.05 +21 41.4 28 2 47.14 +21 57.3 0.179 1.157 17.4 29 2 50.10 +22 12.1 30 2 52.93 +22 25.8 0.191 1.167 17.5 NOVA SCUTI 1989 M. Grenon, Geneva Observatory, reports the following photoelectric V magnitudes obtained with the 0.70-m Swiss telescope at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla: Oct. 22.012 UT, 10.93; 25.030, 11.79; 26.024, 11.58; 28.033, 11.35; 29.021, 11.13; 30.019, 11.07; 31.024, 11.01; Nov. 2.035, 11.05; 3.030, 10.94; 4.026, 10.95. The probable error in the observations is +/- 0.01 mag, except +/- 0.02 mag on Nov. 2.035. While the star is brightening slowly again, there is little change in color. 1989 November 7 (4902) Daniel W. E. Green
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