Circular No. 4926 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN COMET AUSTIN (1989c1) Precise positions reported by D. Herald, Kambah (near Canberra): 1989 UT R.A. (1950) Decl. Dec. 14.48310 0 40 49.39 -59 37 59.0 17.48467 0 37 35.39 -58 32 38.9 Improved parabolic orbital elements from 12 observations, Dec. 6-17: T = 1990 Apr. 9.725 ET Peri. = 61.419 Node = 75.548 1950.0 q = 0.34984 AU Incl. = 58.876 The following ephemeris is provided for planning purposes. The predicted magnitudes are calculated from m1 = 6.0 + 5 log Delta + 7.5 log r. The elongation from the sun decreases from 25 deg on Mar. 20 to 19 deg in early April, and increases again to 25 deg on Apr. 19 and 54 deg on May 9; the comet will be near opposition in early June. The accuracy of the orbit by mid-May should be on the order of 1 deg, though any significant departure from parabolic motion would increase this uncertainty. 1990 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Mar. 20 1 35.69 - 0 34.1 1.405 0.660 5.4 25 1 41.39 + 5 13.0 30 1 45.43 +11 36.9 1.247 0.463 4.0 Apr. 4 1 45.87 +18 31.1 9 1 39.59 +25 17.8 1.040 0.350 2.7 14 1 24.75 +30 43.5 19 1 03.63 +34 03.3 0.804 0.438 2.8 24 0 39.51 +35 32.7 29 0 13.42 +35 39.5 0.599 0.630 3.4 May 4 23 44.29 +34 35.7 9 23 09.50 +32 09.6 0.420 0.835 3.5 14 22 25.02 +27 34.8 19 21 26.31 +19 16.5 0.279 1.034 3.3 24 20 12.72 + 5 53.3 29 18 54.43 - 9 32.2 0.257 1.224 3.7 June 3 17 47.28 -21 00.7 8 16 58.00 -27 31.8 0.392 1.405 5.1 1989 December 20 (4926) Daniel W. E. Green
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