Circular No. 4937 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN SUPERNOVA 1989V IN ANONYMOUS GALAXY C. Pollas, CERGA, reports his discovery with the 0.9-m Schmidt telescope on 1989 Dec. 28.80 UT of a possible supernova of mag about 18.5 at R.A. = 1h29m18s.84, Decl. = +11d56'29".1 (equinox 1950.0), 0".9 west and 2".1 south of the nucleus of a compact anonymous galaxy of mag 18. The object was confirmed on Dec. 31.74 UT. There is a nearby star of mag 16 at end figures 17s.26, 16".5. 1989 WM Improved orbital elements from MPC 15722: T = 1990 Jan. 17.272 ET Peri. = 70.877 e = 0.54728 Node = 49.059 1950.0 q = 1.32720 AU Incl. = 2.634 a = 2.93163 AU n = 0.196354 P = 5.02 years 1990 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r V Jan. 9 8 51.89 +26 36.3 0.366 1.330 15.2 14 8 57.85 +26 42.0 19 9 03.00 +26 44.3 0.353 1.327 15.0 24 9 07.40 +26 42.1 29 9 11.16 +26 34.2 0.353 1.333 14.9 Feb. 3 9 14.47 +26 19.9 8 9 17.51 +25 58.7 0.367 1.349 15.0 13 9 20.45 +25 30.6 18 9 23.43 +24 56.2 0.395 1.372 15.3 COMET OKAZAKI-LEVY-RUDENKO (1989r) R. H. McNaught reports that a 60-min tracked J plate taken on 1989 Dec. 30.50 UT by A. Savage and C. A. Frost with the Anglo-Australian Observatory's 1.2-m Schmidt telescope showed a 20' tail in p.a. 40 deg and a narrow 6' antitail in p.a. 225 deg. Total visual magnitude estimates: 1989 Dec. 20.21 UT, 8.0 (K. Abasolo, Laja, Chile, 0.32-m reflector); 25.60, 8.5 (A. Pearce, Scarborough, Western Australia, 0.20-m reflector); 28.47, 9.1 (G. Garradd, Tamworth, N.S.W., 10 x 50 binoculars). 1990 January 2 (4937) Brian G. Marsden
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