Circular No. 4998 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN 1990 HA A. Mrkos, Klet Observatory, reports his discovery of a fast-moving asteroidal object, as follows: 1990 UT R.A. (1950) Decl. Mag. Apr. 17.87708 13 09 58.10 + 6 58 55.2 13.0 17.89132 13 10 01.46 + 6 58 08.5 20.83073 13 20 11.59 + 4 45 31.9 14.0 20.83785 13 20 12.68 + 4 45 16.7 22.88102 13 25 12.54 + 3 37 33.4 14.0 22.88889 13 25 13.53 + 3 37 17.7 The following preliminary orbital elements, by the undersigned, indicate that this is an Apollo-type object, with minimum geocentric distance about 0.031 AU having occurred around Apr. 6: T = 1990 Feb. 23.95 ET Peri. = 307.14 e = 0.6287 Node = 185.02 1950.0 q = 0.8000 AU Incl. = 3.64 a = 2.1544 AU n = 0.31168 P = 3.16 years 1990 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r V Apr. 19 13 14.36 + 6 02.8 0.118 1.117 12.4 20 13 17.71 + 5 18.8 21 13 20.63 + 4 40.1 0.136 1.135 12.7 22 13 23.18 + 4 05.6 23 13 25.45 + 3 34.7 0.155 1.154 13.0 24 13 27.47 + 3 06.8 25 13 29.30 + 2 41.3 0.174 1.172 13.3 26 13 30.95 + 2 17.9 27 13 32.46 + 1 56.3 0.193 1.191 13.6 28 13 33.84 + 1 36.2 29 13 35.13 + 1 17.5 0.213 1.210 13.8 30 13 36.33 + 0 59.9 May 1 13 37.45 + 0 43.3 0.233 1.229 14.1 2 13 38.50 + 0 27.6 3 13 39.50 + 0 12.6 0.253 1.247 14.3 4 13 40.45 - 0 01.6 5 13 41.36 - 0 15.3 0.274 1.266 14.5 1990 April 23 (4998) Daniel W. E. Green
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