Circular No. 5007 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN V3890 SAGITTARII E. P. Belserene, Maria Mitchell Observatory, reports the following measurement of N Sgr 1962 = V3890 Sgr from a plate exposed 1962 June 3.2 UT (cf. Dinerstein and Hoffleit 1973, IBVS 845): R.A. = 18h27m39s.97, Decl. = -24 03'15".9 (equinox 1950.0; estimated uncertainty +/- 2" in each coordinate). This suggests that the star(s) measured by Duerbeck (1987, Space Sci. Rev. 45, 123) and by Williams (1983, Ap.J. Suppl. 53, 523) is (are) not V3890 Sgr. This agrees with remarks by several observers (including Kato et al., below) that the object now in outburst lies southwest of the Duerbeck and Williams positions. T. Kato, T. Djamaluddin, R. Hirata, and M. Saito, Kyoto University, report: "We observed V3890 Sgr with the CCD camera attached to the Ouda 0.60-m reflector on Apr. 30.8 UT, and obtained V about 9.3. The position of the present nova coincides with a mag 17 star on the POSS O plate located 6" west and 10" south of the Williams (ibid.) candidate. The magnitude on Duerbeck's SERC-J finding chart is about 14, suggesting an unreported outburst." T. Harrison and J. Johnson, Mount Stromlo Observatory; and J. Spyromilio, Anglo-Australian Observatory, communicate: "J, H, K, and L' spectra of V3890 Sgr were obtained on May 4, 5, and 6 using the cooled grating spectrometer (CIGS) on the 2.3-m reflector at Siding Spring. The spectral resolution was 500. The spectra show strong Paschen-beta and Paschen-gamma, as well as Brackett-alpha and Br-gamma and Brackett10 through Brackett14, in emission. Pfund- gamma was also detected. The line ratios are consistent with a 'Case B' hydrogen recombination spectrum (Hummer and Storey 1987, M.N.R.A.S. 224, 801). He 1083.0-nm and 2058.0-nm were also detected to be strong in emission. There was no evidence for P-Cyg profiles in either of the helium lines. The emission lines are broad with FWHM around 1000 km/s. In contrast to V745 Sco, no absorption was detected from the first overtone of CO (cf. IAUC 4885)." A. F. Jones, Stoke, New Zealand, writes that he has monitored this object since 1988 Jan., but failed to detect the star on 61 nights prior to its current outburst (cf. IAUC 5002). Further visual magnitude estimates: Apr. 20.68 UT, [13: (Jones); May 3.18, 9.8 (A. Pereira, Linda-a-Velha, Portugal); 4.18, 9.9 (Pereira); 5.17, 10.3 (Pereira); 5.89, 9.7 (A. Pearce, Scarborough, W.A.); 6.17, 9.7 (Pereira); 6.87, 9.8 (Pearce); 7.11, 9.0 (A. Boattini, Monte Senario, Italy). 1990 May 9 (5007) Daniel W. E. Green
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