Circular No. 5071 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN SUPERNOVA 1976O IN ESO 234-G16 R. H. McNaught, University of Adelaide, reports the discovery of an apparent supernova of mag about 16 in ESO 234-G16 on a U.K. Schmidt Telescope (UKST) J survey photograph taken 1976 Aug. 19.5 UT by M. Hartley. The supernova is located at R.A. = 20h19m44s.72, Decl. = -50 42'10".1 (equinox 1950.0), offset 6".1 west and 13".7 north of the galaxy nucleus and situated in a spiral arm. Nothing is present in the position of SN 1976O on a UKST J plate taken by Hartley on 1990 July 25, nor on the ESO B survey film taken 1975 July 12. M. A. Read, Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, notes that nothing appears to a limit of mag about 21 on UKST J plates taken 1976 May 31 and June 24. 1990 MF Extended ephemeris from orbital elements on MPC 16701: 1990 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r V Aug. 17 4 58.02 +30 37.2 0.185 0.955 16.8 27 5 09.20 +28 22.6 Sept. 6 5 19.72 +26 48.7 0.266 1.004 16.8 16 5 27.93 +25 34.4 26 5 32.00 +24 29.8 0.320 1.097 16.8 Oct. 6 5 30.51 +23 29.1 16 5 22.42 +22 28.2 0.353 1.214 16.7 26 5 07.49 +21 22.9 Nov. 5 4 47.35 +20 11.4 0.393 1.343 16.6 15 4 25.19 +18 56.7 25 4 04.86 +17 48.4 0.488 1.474 16.5 1990 OS Ephemeris extension to IAUC 5068: 1990 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r V Aug. 17 5 34.73 +18 19.4 0.078 0.975 18.8 22 6 14.67 +20 51.1 27 6 39.90 +22 00.9 0.136 0.936 20.2 Sept. 1 6 58.25 +22 35.1 6 7 13.18 +22 50.1 0.199 0.911 20.5 1990 August 7 (5071) Daniel W. E. Green
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