Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 5094: 1990j; CY UMa

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                                                  Circular No. 5094
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

     The following precise positions have been reported:

     1990 UT             R.A. (1950) Decl.       Observer
     Sept.17.32292    0 44 04.82   +12 24 30.6   Mueller
          17.38542    0 44 03.68   +12 24 15.2     "
          18.23653    0 43 45.35   +12 19 45.9   Balam
          18.24903    0 43 44.86   +12 19 44.1     "
          19.21821    0 43 23.26   +12 14 38.9   McCrosky
          19.25808    0 43 22.26   +12 14 25.8     "
          20.24868    0 42 59.31   +12 08 52.9   Balam
          20.27646    0 42 58.56   +12 08 41.0     "

J. Mueller and J. D. Mendenhall (Palomar).  1.2-m Oschin Schmidt
  telescope.  Measurements of ends of a single trail.
D. Balam and J. Tatum (Victoria).
R. McCrosky and C.-Y. Shao (Oak Ridge).  1.5-m reflector + CCD.

     The following parabolic orbital elements, from observations
Sept. 15-20, are still very uncertain; it is possible that this
is a short-period comet.

     T = 1991 Feb. 24.85 ET           Peri. = 232.92
                                      Node  = 209.38    1950.0
     q = 1.6333 AU                    Incl. =  11.58

     1990 ET      R.A. (1950) Decl.     Delta      r       m1
     Sept.16     0 44.53    +12 31.0    1.684    2.635    17.3
          21     0 42.68    +12 04.6
          26     0 40.46    +11 32.6    1.557    2.543    17.0
     Oct.  1     0 37.93    +10 55.2
           6     0 35.18    +10 12.9    1.456    2.453    16.7

     P. Schmeer, Bischmisheim, West Germany, reports that this
dwarf nova is experiencing one of its rare superoutbursts, as
indicated by his visual magnitude estimates:  Sept. 11.12 UT, [12.6;
14.16, 12.0; 15.16, 12.4:; 16.80, 12.7:; 19.12, 12.7.

1990 September 20              (5094)             Daniel W. E. Green

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