Circular No. 5114 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN VW HYDRI T. E. Harrison, Mount Stromlo Observatory, reports that the SU UMa-type dwarf nova VW Hyi is near maximum light, as indicated by the following approximate V magnitudes from the 1.02-m telescope (+ red CCD) at Siding Spring: Oct. 2.9 UT, 10.6; 3.8, 10.6; 4.7, 10.2. 1990 SP Ephemeris from orbital elements on MPC 17025: 1990 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r V Oct. 16 23 27.71 -58 43.8 0.159 1.060 15.2 18 23 08.09 -59 21.0 20 22 45.62 -59 46.1 0.142 1.036 15.1 22 22 20.11 -59 54.5 24 21 51.53 -59 40.2 0.125 1.012 15.0 26 21 20.19 -58 55.5 28 20 46.74 -57 32.0 0.110 0.989 15.1 30 20 12.24 -55 20.8 Nov. 1 19 37.96 -52 14.7 0.098 0.967 15.4 3 19 05.11 -48 10.1 5 18 34.65 -43 09.0 0.090 0.946 16.2 7 18 07.12 -37 21.2 9 17 42.69 -31 03.2 0.088 0.926 17.8 1990 SB Ephemeris from orbital elements on MPC 17025: 1990 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r V Oct. 16 1 05.38 + 0 30.1 0.925 1.916 15.6 26 0 56.63 - 2 10.9 Nov. 5 0 50.96 - 4 00.9 1.151 2.057 16.6 15 0 48.49 - 5 05.2 25 0 48.99 - 5 31.7 1.456 2.192 17.4 Dec. 5 0 52.09 - 5 28.9 15 0 57.33 - 5 04.2 1.810 2.321 18.1 1990 October 11 (5114) Daniel W. E. Green
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