Circular No. 5127 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN PROBABLE DWARF NOVA IN FORNAX W. Liller, Vina del Mar, Chile, reports his discovery, with a 0.20-m Schmidt telescope + Problicom, of a very blue stellar object in outburst, at R.A. = 3h24m49s, Decl. = -34 37'.0 (equinox 1950.0), providing the following Tech pan film magnitudes: Oct. 27.28 UT, 12.5; 28.31, 12.5; 29.32, 12.6. M. Phillips, Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory, reports the following CCD magnitudes obtained by M. Hamuy and R. Lamontagne with the CTIO 0.9-m telescope on Oct. 29: B = 12.79, V = 12.69. Spectra (range 450-680 nm) obtained by F. Baganoff and J. Maza with the CTIO 1.5-m and 4-m telescopes on Oct. 29 show broad absorptions of H-alpha, H-beta, He I, and possibly weak He II 469-nm; there is no evidence that these lines are shifted, and there are no emission features. An exposure of the region on Oct. 23 (+/- 1 day) by M. Wischnjewsky, University of Chile, shows nothing to B = 19, and nothing is present to the limit of the ESO Sky Survey. MWC 560 R. M. Wagner and R. Bertram, Ohio State University; S. Starrfield, Arizona State University; and S. Kenyon, Center for Astrophysics, report: "Optical spectra (ranges 440-560 and 594-700 nm; resolution 0.45 nm) were obtained of MWC 560 on Oct. 23.47 UT with the Perkins 1.8-m telescope at the Lowell Observatory using the Ohio State CCD spectrograph. Features present in the spectra include H-alpha, H-beta, Fe II (multiplets 40, 42, 46, and 74), Ca I (18), and possibly He I 667.8-nm and Mn I 660.5-nm, all in emission. In addition, the 443.0- and 628.4-nm interstellar absorption features are present. The H-alpha, H-beta, and Fe II (42) lines exhibit deep P-Cyg profiles. The center of the absorption components is shifted -400 to -500 km/s and the blue edge extends to almost -1900 km/s with respect to the nominal rest wavelengths. The equivalent width of H-alpha and H-beta absorption is about 0.9 nm with FWHM about 550 km/s. The optical spectrum of MWC 560 has changed substantially since observations obtained in early Mar. (IAUC 4980, 4987, 4990) and now closely resembles that of some classical novae early in their outburst, such as QV Vul (Nova Vul 1987). Michalitsianos et al. (IAUC 5108) have suggested a similar resemblance based on ultraviolet spectra obtained on Sept. 26. These observations confirm that MWC 560 has ejected a cool, optically thick shell. It should now be monitored for the appearance of a nebular-phase spectrum and for possible dust formation as occurred early in the outburst of QV Vul." 1990 October 30 (5127) Daniel W. E. Green
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