Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 5129: 1990m; 1990U, 1990X, 1990aa

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 5129
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

     J. V. Scotti, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of
Arizona; and H. Rickman, Uppsala University, report independent
recoveries of this comet.  The following positions are in
agreement with the orbital elements on MPC 13045:

     1990 UT             R.A. (1950) Decl.        m2    Observer
     Oct. 22.25874    0 47 07.57   +16 59 50.4          Scotti
          22.28016    0 47 06.35   +16 59 45.8   21.0     "
          22.30138    0 47 05.14   +16 59 41.5            "
          23.889      0 45 37.57   +16 53 58.8   20.3   Rickman
          23.942      0 45 34.49   +16 53 46.9            "

J. V. Scotti (Kitt Peak).  Spacewatch telescope.
H. Rickman and G. Tancredi (Pic du Midi).  2-m reflector + R filter.
  Reductions by Tancredi and M. Lindgren.  Stellar appearance.

SUPERNOVAE 1990U, 1990X, 1990aa
     R. Lopez, University of Barcelona, reports:  "Low-resolution
spectra of several supernovae were taken on Oct. 24 with the faint
object spectrograph (range 460-980 nm) on the 4.2-m William Herschel
Telescope at La Palma, by G. Gomez, J. A. Rodriguez, A. Aparicio,
J. A. de Diego, and M. Kidger.  SN 1990aa in UGC 540 seems to be a
helium-poor supernova (Ic); the He I 587.6-nm absorption feature
(blended with Na D absorption) is weak, and He I 706.5-nm is not
seen.  Absorption features attributed to O I 777.3-nm, the Fe II
'620-nm' blend, and the Ca II infrared triplet (857.9 nm) are
present. Velocities inferred from these features are in the range
6700-10 500 km/s.  The spectrum has prominent but narrow H-alpha
and [S II] (671.6, 673.0 nm) emission features at about the redshift
of the parent galaxy.  The spectrum of SN 1990U in NGC 7479
shows that forbidden lines attributed to [O I] (630.0 nm), [Ca II]
(729.1, 732.1 nm), [O II] (731.9, 733.0 nm), and [C I] (872.7 nm)
are well marked, indicating that this helium-poor supernova has
overtaken its nebular phase.  The spectrum of the type-II supernova
1990X in UGC 12565 shows the characteristic H-alpha (656.3 nm) P-Cyg
profile, with a broad emission and a well-marked absorption wings; a
relative velocity of about 7000 km/s is inferred.  Absorption
features attributed to the Fe II '620-nm' blend, O I (777.3 nm), and
the Ca II infrared triplet (857.9 nm) are also present."

1990 October 31                (5129)             Daniel W. E. Green

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