Circular No. 5343 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN COMET SPACEWATCH (1991x) J. V. Scotti, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, has measured the following additional precise positions from Spacewatch images obtained by T. Gehrels and himself at Kitt Peak. The three values of m2 on IAUC 5341 should read 21.1, 21.0 and 20.9, respectively. 1991 UT R.A. (1950) Decl. m2 Sept.10.24296 23 12 42.99 - 9 02 30.2 10.25603 23 12 42.27 - 9 02 36.4 10.26464 23 12 41.81 - 9 02 40.3 12.30550 23 10 56.89 - 9 20 03.1 12.31586 23 10 56.29 - 9 20 08.1 12.32566 23 10 55.78 - 9 20 12.8 21.1 The following parabolic and elliptical orbits satisfy the 15 observations Sept. 8-12 comparably well, but the ephemeris is from the ellipse: T = 1991 Dec. 8.446 ET Peri. = 45.403 Node = 162.993 1950.0 q = 0.52588 AU Incl. = 44.626 T = 1990 Dec. 18.452 ET Peri. = 85.867 e = 0.51223 Node = 152.956 1950.0 q = 1.53500 AU Incl. = 10.188 a = 3.14701 AU n = 0.176546 P = 5.58 years 1991 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m2 Sept. 1 23 20.76 - 7 39.3 1.689 2.687 20.9 11 23 12.06 - 9 08.9 21 23 03.92 -10 27.9 1.814 2.797 21.3 Oct. 1 22 57.15 -11 30.9 11 22 52.31 -12 15.5 2.046 2.905 21.7 NOVA HERCULIS 1991 Visual magnitude estimates: June 4.92 UT, 13.9 (S. Korth, Dusseldorf, Germany; correction to IAUC 5282); 8.32, 14.7 (R. J. Modic, Richmond Heights, OH); 13.24, 14.8 (Modic); 21.29, 15.1 (Modic); 30.89, 14.7 (A. Boattini, Florence, Italy); July 6.24, 15.1 (Modic); 17.22, 15.7 (Modic); 24.34, 15.1 (Modic); Aug. 2.13, 16.2 (Modic). 1991 September 12 (5343) Brian G. Marsden
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