Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 5413: 1991g1; 1991v; 1991q

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 5413
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

     S. Nakano, Sumoto, Japan, communicates the following precise
positions by T. Kobayashi, Oizumi (0.16-m reflector + CCD):

     1991 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.
     Dec. 26.37853   20 53 52.22   +18 06 43.6
          26.41078   20 53 58.97   +18 05 59.4

     Ephemeris continuation from the orbital elements on MPC 18995:

1991/92     R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong. Phase      m1
Dec. 20    20 09.48    -58 10.9    4.105    3.447   42.7   11.2     16.4
     30    20 27.13    -58 43.0    4.097    3.413   40.8   10.8     16.4
Jan.  9    20 46.95    -59 17.5    4.071    3.381   40.3   10.8     16.3
     19    21 08.99    -59 53.7    4.029    3.351   41.2   11.1     16.3
     29    21 33.38    -60 30.7    3.972    3.324   43.3   11.7     16.2
Feb.  8    22 00.30    -61 07.2    3.902    3.299   46.3   12.5     16.1
     18    22 29.90    -61 41.5    3.824    3.277   50.0   13.4     16.1
     28    23 02.32    -62 10.9    3.739    3.257   54.0   14.2     16.0
Mar.  9    23 37.63    -62 32.2    3.652    3.240   58.2   15.1     15.9
     19     0 15.62    -62 41.3    3.566    3.226   62.3   15.9     15.8

     Ephemeris continuation from the orbital elements on MPC 19258:

1991/92     R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong. Phase      m1
Dec. 20     9 31.28    +29 45.2    1.820    2.571  130.6   16.9     13.4
     30     9 20.39    +30 12.6    1.834    2.682  142.5   12.9     13.6
Jan.  9     9 07.19    +30 34.9    1.872    2.791  154.3    8.8     13.8
     19     8 52.93    +30 45.8    1.940    2.900  164.5    5.2     14.1
     29     8 39.03    +30 42.2    2.038    3.007  167.4    4.1     14.3
Feb.  8     8 26.68    +30 24.2    2.168    3.113  159.9    6.2     14.6
     18     8 16.77    +29 54.4    2.327    3.217  149.4    9.0     14.9
     28     8 09.66    +29 16.5    2.512    3.321  138.7   11.4     15.2
Mar.  9     8 05.35    +28 33.7    2.719    3.423  128.2   13.2     15.5
     19     8 03.66    +27 48.4    2.942    3.524  118.3   14.4     15.8

1991 December 26               (5413)              Brian G. Marsden

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