Circular No. 5415 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN COMET SHOEMAKER-LEVY (1991d) Continuation to the ephemeris on IAUC 5379: 1991/92 R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1 Dec. 20 16 01.38 +38 43.1 2.462 2.269 67.1 23.6 11.5 30 16 38.65 +39 22.1 2.439 2.265 68.2 23.8 11.5 Jan. 9 17 15.36 +39 49.7 2.438 2.268 68.4 23.8 11.5 19 17 50.57 +40 06.9 2.456 2.275 67.9 23.6 11.5 29 18 23.56 +40 16.7 2.489 2.289 66.9 23.3 11.6 Feb. 8 18 53.85 +40 22.6 2.532 2.308 65.7 22.9 11.6 18 19 21.18 +40 27.8 2.582 2.332 64.4 22.5 11.7 28 19 45.52 +40 35.0 2.632 2.362 63.5 22.0 11.8 Mar. 9 20 06.90 +40 45.9 2.679 2.396 62.9 21.7 11.9 19 20 25.42 +41 01.1 2.719 2.435 63.0 21.4 12.0 29 20 41.18 +41 20.5 2.750 2.478 63.9 21.2 12.1 Apr. 8 20 54.23 +41 43.4 2.769 2.525 65.5 21.2 12.2 18 21 04.57 +42 08.5 2.776 2.575 68.1 21.2 12.3 28 21 12.20 +42 33.7 2.771 2.629 71.4 21.3 12.4 May 8 21 17.03 +42 56.4 2.753 2.686 75.6 21.3 12.5 18 21 18.96 +43 13.1 2.726 2.746 80.5 21.3 12.6 28 21 17.96 +43 19.5 2.689 2.809 86.1 21.1 12.6 June 7 21 14.00 +43 10.1 2.648 2.873 92.3 20.7 12.7 PERIODIC COMET KOWAL 2 (1991f1) Continuation to the ephemeris on IAUC 5407: 1991/92 R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1 Dec. 20 8 35.58 - 3 36.6 0.739 1.574 131.4 27.9 14.3 30 8 32.65 - 7 01.6 0.736 1.608 138.2 24.1 14.4 Jan. 9 8 26.37 - 9 31.3 0.747 1.648 144.1 20.5 14.6 19 8 18.39 -10 57.5 0.774 1.692 148.3 17.8 14.9 29 8 10.59 -11 22.1 0.818 1.740 149.4 16.8 15.2 Feb. 8 8 04.62 -10 55.2 0.880 1.791 147.3 17.3 15.5 18 8 01.57 - 9 53.1 0.960 1.845 142.7 18.9 15.9 28 8 01.83 - 8 32.4 1.055 1.902 136.8 20.9 16.3 Mar. 9 8 05.28 - 7 06.3 1.166 1.961 130.4 22.7 16.7 19 8 11.57 - 5 44.7 1.290 2.021 123.8 24.2 17.1 1991 December 26 (5415) Brian G. Marsden
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