Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 5422: N Pup 1991; 1991 VK, 1991 VL, 1991 WA AND 1991 XB

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 5422
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

     Paul Camilleri, Cobram, Vic., Australia, has discovered a nova
at the position R.A. = 8h09m44s.11, Decl. = -34 58'29".2 (equinox 1950.0,
uncertainty 0".3 in R.A., 0".4 in Decl.), this being measured by
R. H. McNaught, Siding Spring Observatory, from a 5-second exposure
with the Uppsala Southern Schmidt on Jan. 3.6 UT.  Magnitude estimates:
1991 Dec. 11.55 UT, [12 (Camilleri, 135-mm lens and T-Max 400 film);
27.51, 6.4 (Camilleri); 1992 Jan. 1.57, 7.4 (Camilleri); 3.57, 8.2
(McNaught, visual); 3.74, 8.3 (McNaught).

     McNaught notes that the prenova may be a variable that appears
just above the plate limit on the SERC I survey plate taken on 1978
Dec. 20 and at m_r about 21 on an R survey taken on 1981 Jan. 9,
but it is absent from the ESO R survey of 1979 Dec. 14, which goes
about 1 mag deeper than the 1981 plate.  The position of the variable
was measured on the SERC I survey with end figures 43s.83, 29".1.
The nearest stars (measured both on the I and J surveys, mean epoch
1978.0) are at 43s.32, 31".4, mag 20; 44s.04, 18".4, mag 19 (uncertainty
0".3 in each coordinate).  A nearby star of mag 15 has end figures
41s.85, 20".6.

     Photometry by A. C. Gilmore, Mt. John Observatory, yields: Jan. 3.466
UT, V = 8.01, U-B = -0.41, B-V = +0.64, V-R = +0.93, V-I = +1.24; 3.555,
8.14, -0.43, +0.62, +0.96, +1.27.  Uncertainties are about +/- 0.01
in all colors, except for U-B, which may be as much as 0.06 more negative
than given here.  Measurement by P. M. Kilmartin (using 9 CPC stars) of
a plate taken by Gilmore on Jan. 3.63 UT gives end figures 44s.01, 29".1.

1991 VK, 1991 VL, 1991 WA AND 1991 XB
     R. P. Binzel and S. Xu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
communicate: "Spectroscopic observations (range 0.4-1.0 microns)
were made with the 2.4-m Hiltner telescope of the Michigan-Dartmouth-MIT
Observatory at Kitt Peak on 1991 Dec. 14 and 15 UT.  1991 VK, 1991 WA
and 1991 XB each have spectral characteristics consistent with known
S-type asteroids.  The spectral signature of 1991 VL, however, is
intermediate between a typical S-type asteroid and the possible
ordinary chondrite analogue, (1862) Apollo (Q-type)."

1992 January 3                 (5422)              Brian G. Marsden

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