Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 5445: 1992b

The following International Astronomical Union Circular may be linked-to from your own Web pages, but must not otherwise be redistributed (see these notes on the conditions under which circulars are made available on our WWW site).

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 5445
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

     Precise positions measured by P. M. Kilmartin from exposures by
A. Gilmore with the 0.6-m reflector at Mount John University
Observatory (the first image being involved with a flaw):

     1992 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.
     Feb.  5.63252   16 47 31.02   -42 10 21.1
           5.63712   16 47 33.49   -42 10 21.5
           5.66067   16 47 45.94   -42 10 25.0
           5.66426   16 47 47.70   -42 10 26.2
           5.66819   16 47 49.95   -42 10 26.1

     Preliminary parabolic orbital elements by R. H. McNaught,
Anglo-Australian Observatory:

     T = 1992 Mar. 19.537 TT          Peri. =  15.491
                                      Node  = 275.305   2000.0
     q = 0.49915 AU                   Incl. =  20.242

1992 TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta     r    Elong. Phase    m1
Feb.  2   16 16.85    -41 46.3    1.127   1.134   64.5   51.7    9.8
      4   16 33.40    -42 03.1    1.101   1.100   63.3   53.2    9.6
      6   16 50.75    -42 11.2    1.077   1.065   62.0   54.8    9.4
      8   17 08.80    -42 09.2    1.056   1.031   60.5   56.4    9.2
     10   17 27.45    -41 56.1    1.037   0.996   58.9   58.0    9.1
     12   17 46.53    -41 30.7    1.021   0.962   57.2   59.6    8.9
     14   18 05.89    -40 52.3    1.007   0.928   55.4   61.2    8.7
     16   18 25.32    -40 00.4    0.997   0.893   53.5   62.7    8.5
     18   18 44.65    -38 55.1    0.989   0.859   51.5   64.2    8.3
     20   19 03.70    -37 36.6    0.985   0.825   49.4   65.5    8.1
     22   19 22.32    -36 05.7    0.984   0.792   47.3   66.7    8.0
     24   19 40.39    -34 23.4    0.987   0.759   45.2   67.6    7.8
     26   19 57.83    -32 30.9    0.992   0.727   43.0   68.3    7.6
     28   20 14.58    -30 29.7    1.002   0.695   40.8   68.7    7.4

     P. Camilleri, Cobram, Victoria, reports that the comet exhibits
a 4' diffuse coma (mag 10) on two pre-discovery T-Max 400
photographs obtained with an 85-mm lens on Jan. 30.7 UT.

1992 February 6                (5445)             Daniel W. E. Green

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