Circular No. 5474 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN GALACTIC CENTER REGION M. Gilfanov, E. Churazov, A. Claret and J. P. Dezalay, on behalf of the Granat team (Space Research Institute, Moscow; Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements, Toulouse; Service d'Astrophysique du CEA, Saclay), communicate: "The Granat observatory performed a set of 6 observations of the galactic center region between Feb. 17 and Mar. 2. Five sources have been significantly detected on the combined 40- to 100-keV image: GX 354-0 [flux increased gradually from < 22 mCrab (3-sigma upper limit) on Feb. 17-19 up to about 75 mCrab on Mar. 1-5]; 1E 1740.7-2942 (IAUC 5472); GX 1+4 (about 35 mCrab on average; apparently variable); Terzan 2 (about 20 mCrab average flux); SLX 1735-269 (about 20 mCrab average flux). The average 40- to 100-keV flux from GRS 1758-258 was restricted to < 20 mCrab (3-sigma upper limit) --- i.e., < 25 percent of the flux observed by SIGMA in 1990. 4U 1700-37 was detected at the level of 110 mCrab during Feb. 17-18 observations (in all other observations it was out of SIGMA's field-of-view). 1E 1740.7-2942 was significantly detected in each individual observation. The upper limit on the averaged flux of the narrow 511-keV line is 1.5 x 10E-3 photon sE-1 cmE-2 (3-sigma). The Granat observatory will continue the survey of the galactic center region on Mar. 17." 1992 AC Extension to the ephemeris on IAUC 5442: 1992 TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V Mar. 19 11 48.58 +53 47.2 0.377 1.258 126.7 39.4 13.5 29 12 03.87 +51 59.8 0.424 1.286 124.3 39.9 13.9 Apr. 8 12 16.11 +48 56.2 0.476 1.321 122.6 39.7 14.2 18 12 26.91 +44 59.1 0.534 1.361 121.4 39.0 14.5 28 12 37.25 +40 27.5 0.597 1.405 120.1 38.3 14.8 May 8 12 47.77 +35 36.2 0.668 1.452 118.5 37.6 15.1 18 12 58.83 +30 37.9 0.748 1.503 116.5 37.0 15.4 28 13 10.50 +25 43.0 0.837 1.555 114.0 36.5 15.7 June 7 13 22.83 +20 57.8 0.936 1.609 111.0 36.1 16.0 17 13 35.84 +16 27.1 1.045 1.663 107.6 35.6 16.3 27 13 49.43 +12 13.6 1.163 1.718 103.9 35.0 16.5 July 7 14 03.60 + 8 18.0 1.290 1.774 99.9 34.4 16.8 17 14 18.30 + 4 40.8 1.424 1.828 95.6 33.6 17.1 1992 March 13 (5474) Daniel W. E. Green
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