Circular No. 5476 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN SUPERNOVA 1992O IN ANONYMOUS GALAXY M. Hamuy, Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory; and J. Maza, University of Chile, report the discovery by R. Antezana (University of Chile) of an apparent supernova located about 7" west and 1" north of the nucleus of a galaxy at R.A. = 19h19m07s.3, Decl. = -62 55'19" (equinox 1950.0). SN 1992O was found on a 20-min unfiltered IIa-O plate taken by Antezana with the CTIO Curtis Schmidt telescope on Mar. 10.368 UT. The supernova appears also on a similar plate taken with the same telescope by L. Wells and R. C. Smith on Mar. 3.389. C. Prosser (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) obtained CCD images on Mar. 14.396 with the CTIO 0.91-m telescope, yielding V = 17.78 and B-V = +1.34 for the supernova. NOVA CYGNI 1992 R. Tuffs, Max-Planck-Institut fur Kernphysik, Heidelberg, writes: "I have observed Nova Cyg 1992 on Mar. 14.1 UT with the IRAM 30-m telescope (+ MPIfR bolometer) at a wavelength of 1.3 mm. Four successive 100-s integrations towards the position given on IAUC 5461 produced 4 detections at confidence levels ranging from 3 to 7 sigma. A preliminary value for the flux density is 69 +/- 7 mJy. The calibration of the absolute flux scale, which was made on Uranus, assuming a temperature of 69 K for the planet's disk, introduces an additional uncertainty of 20 percent. Further measurements towards 4 positions offset one FWHM beam (12") to the north, south, east, and west of the nova were consistent with the source being unresolved." Photoelectric photometry by D. Bohme (B), Nessa, Germany, and by D. Hanzl, F. Hroch, M. Zejda, and E. Neureiterova (H) at the N. Copernicus Observatory, Brno, Czechoslovakia: Feb. 24.176 UT, V = 4.58, B-V = +0.34 (H); 25.142, 4.81, +0.31 (H); 26.173, 4.99, +0.28 (H); 27.161, 4.82, +0.34 (H); 28.164, 4.85, +0.29 (H); 28.20, V = 4.78, B-V = +0.25, U-B = -0.49: (B); 29.153, 5.11, +0.24, - (H); 29.21, 5.09, +0.21, -0.60 (B); Mar. 1.142, 5.45, +0.28, - (H); 1.20, 5.41, +0.20, -0.63 (B); 2.148, 5.81, +0.27, - (H); 2.19, 5.83, +0.18, -0.62 (B); 3.143, 5.78, +0.31, - (H); 4.14, 5.78, +0.22, - (B); 4.141, 5.78, +0.30, - (H); 5.117, 5.88, +0.34, - (H); 8.138, 5.96, +0.32, - (H); 9.15, 6.14, +0.14, -0.62 (B); 9.155, 6.20, +0.30, - (H); 10.132, 6.39, +0.29, - (H); 10.14, 6.35, +0.08, -0.64 (B); 11.132, 6.42, +0.29, - (H). 1992 March 18 (5476) Daniel W. E. Green
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