Circular No. 5486 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN COMET HELIN-ALU (1992a) Ephemeris continuation from the orbital elements on MPC 19818: 1992 TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1 Mar. 29 7 40.72 - 3 02.5 2.732 3.176 107.4 17.5 15.7 Apr. 8 7 43.72 - 3 38.0 2.827 3.147 99.2 18.3 15.7 18 7 48.72 - 4 15.1 2.925 3.120 91.7 18.8 15.8 28 7 55.51 - 4 55.6 3.023 3.095 84.6 18.9 15.8 May 8 8 03.89 - 5 41.1 3.119 3.074 78.1 18.7 15.8 18 8 13.67 - 6 32.9 3.212 3.056 72.1 18.4 15.9 28 8 24.64 - 7 31.9 3.301 3.041 66.4 17.8 15.9 June 7 8 36.66 - 8 38.6 3.384 3.029 61.2 17.1 16.0 17 8 49.57 - 9 53.5 3.461 3.020 56.4 16.3 16.0 27 9 03.24 -11 16.7 3.533 3.015 51.9 15.4 16.0 July 7 9 17.58 -12 48.1 3.599 3.012 47.8 14.5 16.1 17 9 32.50 -14 27.5 3.659 3.013 44.1 13.6 16.1 27 9 47.91 -16 14.3 3.714 3.018 40.7 12.7 16.1 Aug. 6 10 03.76 -18 08.2 3.764 3.025 37.6 11.8 16.2 V590 MONOCEROTIS M. Perez, Computer Sciences Corporation and IUE Observatory; D. Geisler, Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory; M. Joner, Brigham Young University; and D. de Winter, European Southern Observatory and University of Amsterdam, e-mail: "Recent CTIO photometric and ESO spectroscopic observations of the Herbig Be star V590 Mon = LH alpha 25 = Walker 90 = NGC 2264-62 indicated V = 12.79 +/- 0.01 on Mar. 24.06 UT and a strong H alpha emission superimposed on a weak continuum showing no appreciable changes from previous observations. We have been unable to confirm the claim by Bhatt and Sagar (1992, A.Ap.Suppl. 92, 473) that the object was at V = 9.7. Our previous monitoring over the years 1988-1991, which includes several observations nearly contemporaneous with those reported by Bhatt and Sagar, has revealed variations of smaller than 0.07 mag around V = 12.73 and of 0.02 mag around V-R = +0.172. We suspect that the published claim is likely to be a misindentification. Futhermore, IUE observations on Mar. 28.84 and on 28.99 UT with the short- and long-wavelength cameras, respectively (0.12 to 0.32 nm), revealed only the usual variability in the various C I, Fe II and Mg II lines." 1992 March 31 (5486) Brian G. Marsden
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