Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 5943: N Sgr 1994; GRB 940301; 1993v

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 5943
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

     A. C. Gilmore, provides the following photometry, obtained with the
0.6-m f/16 Cassegrain telescope at Mt. John University Observatory on
Feb. 27.68 UT under marginal conditions, with the region low in a moonlit
sky (uncertainty +/- 0.1 mag): V = 8.53, U-B = +0.97, B-V = +1.44, V-R =
+0.84, V-I = +1.55.  P. M. Kilmartin has measured the following precise
position from two exposures by Gilmore with the 0.15-m f/15 astrograph at
Mt. John on Mar. 2.62 UT: R.A. = 18h47m37s.29, Decl. = -21d27'01".4
(equinox 1950.0).
     Magnitude estimates: Feb. 13.85 UT, 8.9 (Y. Sakurai, Mito, Ibaragi,
Japan, Fuji Super G400 Color film; prediscovery observation); 17.84, 8.7
(Sakurai); 22.83, 8.3 (Sakurai); 27.68, 8.7 (A. F. A. Jones, Nelson, New
Zealand, visual); 27.81. 8.1 (Sakurai).

GRB 940301
     On behalf of the BATSE/COMPTEL/NMSU Rapid Burst Response Campaign
(cf. IAUC 5937, but including now also C. Kouveliotou), R. M. Kippen
reports: "COMPTEL has imaged a strong cosmic gamma-ray burst that was
first detected by the BATSE experiment on Mar. 1.84071 UT.  Significant
emission > 0.72 MeV, measured for > 40 s, consists of an intense
single peak with substructure.  The preliminary COMPTEL imaging analysis
based on approximately 170 telescope events yields a roughly circular
region centered at R.A. = 6h49m.7, Decl. = +63d55' (equinox 2000.0) with
uncertainty radii of 1.0 (2-sigma-confidence) and 1.5 (3-sigma-
confidence) deg."

     S. Nakano, Sumoto, Japan, reports that he and I. Hasegawa have
examined the possibility that this comet may be identical with the comet of
574, for which Hasegawa (1979, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 31, 257) has
given a rather similar orbit.  The orbit of 1993v on IAUC 5926 indicates
a revolution period of about 1440 years, and a recent refinement by
Nakano gives 1430 +/- 30 years.  He also finds that the two-month span
of 1993-1994 observations can be satisfactorily linked with the positions
deduced by Hasegawa for 574 Apr. 4, May 8 and 23, provided that one accepts
residuals in 574 of up to 1.6 deg.

1994 March 2                   (5943)              Brian G. Marsden

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