Circular No. 5982 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN@CFA or GREEN@CFA (.SPAN, .BITNET or .HARVARD.EDU) PERIODIC COMET HARRINGTON (1994g) This comet has been recovered by J. Scotti with the Spacewatch telescope at Kitt Peak in strong moonlight, the comet images being diffuse and showing a 10" coma. The following positions indicate a correction of Delta(T) = -0.02 day to the prediction on MPC 18258 (ephemeris on MPC 23251): 1994 UT R.A. (2000) Decl. m1 May 1.45720 21 36 12.17 -12 57 49.5 1.47174 21 36 14.18 -12 57 43.5 18.5 2.45155 21 38 26.43 -12 50 21.0 18.6 2.46528 21 38 28.27 -12 50 13.7 SUPERNOVA 1994M IN NGC 4493 P. Wild, Astronomical Institute, University of Berne, reports his discovery at Zimmerwald on Apr. 29.9 UT (confirmed on May 2.9) of a supernova (V about 16) located at R.A. = 12h28m35s.1, Decl. = +0o52'54" (equinox 1950.0), which is 3" east and 28" south of the nucleus of NGC 4493. COMET McNAUGHT-RUSSELL (1993v) Ephemeris from orbital elements on MPC 23322: 1994 TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1 May 8 9 20.6 +76 01.7 0.783 1.103 74.8 62.0 7.9 13 10 34.2 +76 41.2 0.851 1.158 76.4 58.0 8.3 18 11 39.1 +76 04.3 0.919 1.216 77.9 54.4 8.7 23 12 29.7 +74 38.9 0.987 1.276 79.3 51.2 9.0 28 13 07.5 +72 46.6 1.054 1.337 80.6 48.4 9.4 June 2 13 35.8 +70 40.2 1.119 1.400 81.8 45.8 9.7 7 13 57.65 +68 26.3 1.185 1.463 83.0 43.5 10.0 12 14 15.06 +66 08.5 1.250 1.528 84.1 41.4 10.3 17 14 29.48 +63 48.7 1.315 1.592 85.2 39.5 10.6 22 14 41.79 +61 28.2 1.380 1.657 86.1 37.7 10.9 27 14 52.62 +59 07.7 1.445 1.722 86.9 36.1 11.2 July 2 15 02.38 +56 47.7 1.511 1.787 87.7 34.6 11.4 7 15 11.37 +54 28.8 1.579 1.852 88.3 33.3 11.7 1994 May 3 (5982) Daniel W. E. Green
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