Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 6012: PSR J2043+27; PULSAR IN G180.0-1.7; N Sgr 1994 No. 2

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                                                  Circular No. 6012
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

PSR J2043+27
     S. E. Thorsett, P. S. Ray, S. R. Kulkarni, and T. A. Prince,
California Institute of Technology, report:  "We have discovered a
96.13-ms pulsar in data taken on May 23 UT with the 305-m Arecibo
telescope.  The position is R.A. = 20h43m.7, Decl. = +27o40'
(equinox 2000.0; uncertainty of 5' in radius).  The flux density at
430 MHz is roughly 25 mJy.  This could either be a young pulsar or
a mildly recycled pulsar.  We note that the pulsar is within a
degree of the boundary of the southern blowout region of the Cygnus
Loop supernova remnant, and the dispersion measure of 21 +/- 1 pc
cmE-3 implies a distance of about 1 kpc, consistent with the
distance to the remnant.  If the pulsar were born at the remnant
center 40 kyr ago, its implied transverse velocity would be about
1500 km/s."

PULSAR IN G180.0-1.7
     S. B. Anderson, B. J. Cadwell, A. Wolszczan, Penn State
University; and R. S. Foster, Naval Research Laboratory, report:
"We have detected a 147-ms radio pulsar located near the center of
the well-known supernova remnant G180.0-1.7 (S147).  The new object
was discovered on Apr. 3 during an ongoing pulsar survey with the
305-m Arecibo radio telescope at R.A. = 5h35m.3, Decl. = +28o11'
(equinox 1950.0); FWHM of the telescope at 430 MHz is 10'.
Preliminary values of P(dot) = 4 x 10E-15 and dispersion measure 40
pc cmE-3 give the pulsar a spin-down age of 6 x 10**5 yr and an
estimated distance of 1.5 kpc, in agreement with the corresponding
values of these parameters for S147.  Together with the positional
coincidence, this makes an association of the pulsar with S147
almost certain.  Further timing and astrometric observations of the
new object at Arecibo and the Very Large Array are in progress."

     L. V. Morrison and R. W. Argyle, Royal Greenwich Observatory,
report the following V magnitudes (cf. IAUC 6011; +/- 0.05 mag):
June 12.10 UT, 9.95; 13.10, 9.99; 14.09, 9.87; 15.09, 9.19; 16.09,
8.71; 17.08, 8.42; 18.08, 8.74; 20.08, 9.24; 22.07, 9.76; 27.06,

1994 July 5                    (6012)            Daniel W. E. Green

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