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IAUC 6062: JUPITER AND 1993e; X-RAY N IN Sco

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                                                  Circular No. 6062
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

     S. Sukumar, Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory,
Penticton, reports the preliminary results of radio monitoring of
Jupiter during July 15-21 at a frequency of 1420 MHz, using the
synthesis radio telescope:  "Jupiter was continuously tracked for
about 6.6 hr each day centered around about 2h30m UT; the calibrated
data were mapped and the total intensity of Jupiter was measured on
each day within a rms noise limit of about 60 mJy.  The apparent
total flux density of Jupiter, uncorrected for distance, was about
3.5 Jy on July 15 and 16 but increased steadily after July 17,
reaching a peak level of 4.05 Jy on July 20.  A slow decrease to a
level of 3.89 Jy on July 21 was measured.  These measurements are
consistent with similar variation observed with the ATNF compact
array at 1430 MHz (Kesteven et al., IAUC 6040); in conjunction with
the increase of 50 percent observed at 843 MHz with the MOST
(Hunstead and Campbell-Wilson, IAUC 6038), this might indicate an
enhancement in the nonthermal radio emission from Jupiter during
the infall of the fragments of comet 1993e."

     R. Hunstead, University of Sydney, on behalf of D. Campbell-
Wilson (University of Sydney and Molonglo Observatory Synthesis
Telescope), D. McKay (Australia Telescope National Facility = ATNF),
and J. Lovell (University of Tasmania), reports preliminary results
from the GRO J1655-40 flux-monitoring program during Aug. 15-23 UT
at frequencies 0.843-9.2 GHz:  "At 843 MHz, following a brief
maximum at Aug. 15.2-15.3 UT (5.5 Jy), the flux density fell to a
minimum around Aug. 16.1 (3.9 Jy), rising again to a peak around
Aug. 17.2 (7 Jy) that persisted for 1.3 days.  Since then, the 843-
MHz flux density has decayed steadily, reaching 2.6 Jy on Aug. 22.6.
The data at higher frequencies (available after Aug. 15.3) have
followed similar trends, with a spectral index of -0.6 at the Aug.
17 maximum, flattening slightly to -0.4 at Aug. 22.6.  Apart from
the period of rapid rise (Aug. 16-17), the spectrum has remained a
power-law over the full frequency range."
     D. McKay and M. Kesteven, ATNF, report:  "H I observations of
GRO J1655-40 made with the AT Compact Array show solid absorption
in the velocity range +10 to -30 km/s, with a further isolated weak
feature at -50 km/s.  The balance of probabilities is that the
distance is around 3.5 kpc, unless the -50 km/s feature is due to
an atypical cloud."

1994 August 26                 (6062)            Daniel W. E. Green

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