Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 6066: 1994o

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 6066
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

     H. Luthen, Hamburg, reports the discovery by Michael Jager of
a second comet in the field of comet 1994o, located about 48' to
the northeast of 1994o and appearing to have the same motion as
comet 1994o.  Additional observations have been reported in response
to requests for confirmation from the Bureau:

     1994 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.        m1    Observer
     Aug. 28.03611    7 19.2       +47 53        11     Jager
          30.05970    7 31 53.75   +45 24 44.1          Varady
          30.09678    7 32 06.78   +45 22 04.5   12.1     "
          30.09861    7 32.2       +45 21               Jager
          30.46925    7 34 15.52   +44 55 07.2          Balam
          30.51247    7 34 30.46   +44 51 59.3            "

M. Jager (Vienna, Austria).  0.20-m Schmidt camera + 2415 Tech Pan
  film.  Diffuse coma 4'-5' in diameter, with little or no
M. Varady and P. Pravec (Ondrejov).  0.65-m f/3.6 reflector + CCD.
  Comet has moderate central condensation; m2 = 16.3; coma diameter
  2'.2, with a faint halo of diameter 3'.5.
D. D. Balam (Climenhaga Observatory, Victoria). 0.5-m reflector +
  CCD.  Comet very diffuse, with no central condensation; difficult
  to measure.

     The following ephemeris is from the 1994o orbit on IAUC 6059,
with T and Peri. changed to 1994 Sept. 18.208 and 147o.497:

1994 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.   Delta     r    Elong. Phase    m1
Aug. 26     7 04.48   +50 29.1   0.408   0.854   56.2  100.4   11.4
     28     7 18.97   +47 57.2   0.426   0.838   54.6  101.0   11.4
     30     7 31.52   +45 29.3   0.444   0.824   53.2  101.3   11.4
Sept. 1     7 42.56   +43 06.5   0.464   0.811   52.0  101.2   11.4
      3     7 52.41   +40 49.2   0.484   0.798   51.0  100.9   11.4
      5     8 01.32   +38 37.5   0.505   0.788   50.2  100.2   11.5
      7     8 09.49   +36 31.5   0.527   0.778   49.6   99.3   11.5
      9     8 17.08   +34 31.0   0.550   0.770   49.2   98.1   11.6
     11     8 24.20   +32 35.6   0.573   0.763   48.9   96.7   11.6
     13     8 30.95   +30 45.0   0.597   0.758   48.6   95.2   11.7
     15     8 37.40   +28 59.1   0.621   0.755   48.5   93.4   11.7

1994 August 30                 (6066)            Daniel W. E. Green

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