Circular No. 6099 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions) Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM MARSDEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or GREEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU (science) HD 5980 R. Barba and V. Niemela, Observatorio Astronomico, La Plata, communicate: "Spectral observations (360-700 nm) obtained between Oct. 24 and 27 with the REOSC echelle spectrograph + CCD attached to the 2.15-m telescope at CASLEO Observatory, San Juan, show that the brightest Wolf-Rayet eclipsing binary star in the SMC, HD 5980 (R.A. = 0h58m.62, Decl. = -72 deg 17'.9, equinox 1975.0; Azzopardi and Vigneau 1982, A.Ap.Suppl. 50, 291), has brightened considerably and completely changed its spectrum, which is now similar to eta Car-type variables, with strong P-Cyg lines of He I and H Balmer, as well as Fe III and N II lines. From flux-calibrated spectra we estimate that the continuum V brightened by about 1 mag with respect to previous observations obtained with the same telescope in Jan. and June, when it was at V = 11.0, already 0.8 mag brighter than published values (cf. Azzopardi and Vigneau 1982, ibid.). HD 5980 appears to be currently undergoing an eta Car-type outburst." EXO 1846-031 H. Inoue, F. Nagase, M. Ishida and T. Sonobe, on behalf of the ASCA team, communicate: "Following the report by Zhang et al. (IAUC 6096), ASCA observed EXO 1846-031 between Oct. 22.326 and 22.785 UT with an exposure time of about 12 000 s. No bright x-ray source was seen in the ASCA GIS field within 20' of R.A. = 18h49m.1, Decl. = -3 deg 08' (equinox 2000.0). The 5-sigma upper limit of the 2-10-keV flux at the position of EXO 1846-031 (Parmar et al. 1993, A.Ap. 279, 179) is 0.01 mCrab (2x10**-13 erg/cm**2/s, assuming the Crab Nebula spectrum). The upper limit increases to 0.04 mCrab at the rim of the GIS field. This suggests either that the outburst of EXO 1846-031 decayed very quickly or that the outburst detected by BATSE was not from this source." PERIODIC COMET TEMPEL 1 (1993c) Total visual magnitude estimates: Sept. 3.16 UT, 11.5 (C. S. Morris, Lockwood Valley, CA, 0.26-m reflector); 4.16, 11.5 (Morris, Pine Mountain Club, CA, 0.26-m reflector). SATURN Corrigendum. On IAUC 6098, for f, 13.800 read f, 23.800. 1994 November 2 (6099) Gareth V. Williams
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